Chapter twenty

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     I saw flashes again, but this time it was everything i saw in my visions combined in 1 and it went by very quickly, but somehow i could pick out each individual image i saw. The rooms, the books, the colors, the symbols. Everything.

     Once the flashes stopped, i was in that dark room again, but this time everything lit up after a couple seconds. I observed everything. All the images that flashed in my mind were there upon the walls. I looked over to my right as i saw the book. I slowly walked towards it until it was in my reach. As i picked it up, a mysterious voice said, "i thought you were the smart one Finn."

     I quickly turned around to see the shadow figure in the distance of the room. "What do you want from me?" I asked. Everything was silent for a moment until it spoke again. "I gave you all the clues and answers. All of your friends died for nothing."
     "What do you mean?"
     "I thought the book would knock some common sense into your head."
     "The code made no sense." Again, there was silence, until the book fell into my hands in the page of the code.
      "The code was always there."
     "What do you mean?"
     "You really don't understand?"
     "No, I really don't."
     "The tasks were bullshit. Everything had the code. I even made the image exactly like the code. And you still don't understand."
      "What dont I understand?"
     "To kill me, someone had to make a willing sacrifice. All the 'tasks' meant nothing. If you looked at the spine of the books instead of just the colors the code was there. Every place everyone went to the code was there."
     "So one of us just had to die? Why did everyone already die then?"
     "You're completely idiotic. Someone had to make a sacrifice themselves willingly in order for it all to be completed. I won't die until someone kills themself."
     "Why do we have to do this?"
     "I'm afraid I can't tell you unless you choose to be the one to make the sacrifice." I paused. I hesitated before saying, "I'll do it, as long as none of my other friends have to die."
     "Very well. Sit down as I tell the story." I was terrified, but I obeyed.
     "I was just like you Finn. Abused by my parents, my father in jail, and I being not like the others."
     "What's your point?"
     "Don't cut me off Finn. As i was saying, i went to the exact same school as you. Much like you I skipped 2 grades because i was smart, but little did i know all the kids would hate me. They bullied me so much until the point of them almost killing me in these very woods. That was, until some Harry Potter looking bitch put a spell on this forest as a joke. Little did he know that would be the last any of us were ever seen. Of course they just died, but me? I turned into this, and made for the only purpose to kill. Alright stories over, you must make the sacrifice now."
     "What now?"
     "What was your name?"
     "My name?"
     "Yes, your name."
     "Before i became this thing i was Toby Foster." I sat there frozen. My father only mentioned that name once. He was my dads brother that supposedly died 20 years ago. My mind was still processing everything when suddenly I was sitting on that feild again, knowing I now have to break the news to everyone.

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