𝟎𝟎𝟒 | 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐫!

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"you want some? the movies about to start"

jack hands me a packet of sour patch kids

"yeah, thanks"

I look up at him and smile as I grab the bag

"sour candys my favourite movie snack, popcorn just doesn't do it for me"


he whispers, his head facing the screen as the ads finish playing. I decide to turn my head towards the screen too



I feel a tug on my arm, it was isaiah

"what's going on? the movie barely just started"

I whisper as to not disturb the theatre

"gummy bears or jolly ranchers?"

"god you are so annoying"

I roll my eyes, not like he could see, but I did it anyway. I decide to take a few gummy bears and pop them in my mouth.


the movie had finished and I was tired. sitting in a theatre for 3 hours and crying for about 10 minutes does that to you I guess

"do you want my glasses? or do you want to rock the smudged mascara?"

jack laughs and I pull out my phone to see what I looked like. a raccoon. I looked like a raccoon.

"can I have your glasses please?"

I asked, he took them off and handed them to me. not going to lie I actually really liked them but I knew jack would kill me if I tried to steal them off of him

he took my hand and went to lead me out when my brother stopped us

"where are you guys going?"

he raised an eyebrow at us

"to uhm get sour candy"

jack stumbled on his words and isaiah started at him before looking back at me

"you guys are obsessed with that shit, I'm suprised you still have teeth"

"we don't eat it ALL the time"

he stares at the packet of sour skittles in my hand and I hide it behind my back

"whatever, I'll tell mom where you are just make sure to tell her when your coming home or if your staying at jacks kay?"


jack took my hand again and we turned back towards the door

"we don't eat sour candy all the time right?"

he asks me and I think for a minute

"can you name a day where we didn't have sour candy on set?"

I ask him back

"what about that time when we had mango smoothies at that cafe with the cast?"

"I may have had a few warheads after that"

I say

"are you serious?"

"at this point seeing me eating sweet things is rare"

"your insane"

"hey I literally saw you eat a toxic waste that same day"

"that doesn't count"

"in what world does that not count?"


he rolls his eyes and nudges me and I nudge him back

𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐲 - 𝘫.𝘤Where stories live. Discover now