Log 1 - The Power Outage

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Cold. Nothing but darkness. I write to fill the empty void that exists in my heart. Ever since the outage, I've felt incomplete and I'm sure everyone else feels the same way. All we need is one small jolt of power, just to keep us going for a short while. Hopefully, Octavio figures something out because if he doesn't, I fear the worst for my fellow Octarians.

It's times like these that I question the meaning of our reality. Is there life outside the domes? Is there a place other than here we could inhabit? Alas, I mustn't get carried away with these ideas, I'm sure I only consider them from listening to the fairy tales about the fabled land called Inkopolis. However, I must remember that there are those that have it worse, my colleague River has recently had a child, and to my knowledge, looking after a baby octoling is considered to be quite difficult. This has always baffled me though considering there are thousands of us in the Octarian army, if every new child was so difficult to look after, why would Octavio suggest we have them?

"Greetings soldiers, it has come to my attention that a new power source has been discovered outside the dome. I know it sounds scary, but remember that acquiring this power source will contribute to the greater good of Octarian society! I have no doubts that you all will make fine soldiers! Speaking of, I request to speak to Marina Ida in my personal quarters . You are all dismissed!"

The boss himself, requesting to see me! This day couldn't possibly be any better, perhaps the time has finally come for my promotion?

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