1. the long awaited meeting

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Athdev was wandering in the woods when she saw the stream, it was almost dry, and there was just some water left.

Lately, the lakes have been dry, it hasn't rained in a long time.
I was walking next to the stream when I saw a deer, I took my crossbow from the ground and slowly and quietly walked over to the deer.
As I was about to shoot her I saw blood dripping from her leg, as I looked closer I realized she has been bitten.
I put my crossbow back on the ground and sat, as I was minding my own business listening to the sounds of nature I saw a man walking towards the deer.

I took my crossbow and I shot and missed on purpose which made the deer run away I quietly laughed as the man groaned.
"What the fuck , who's there, and why are you such a bad shooter"
"I'm not a bad shooter, I saved your life. The deer was bitten from the inside of her leg."I said while relaxing on the grass.

"Who are you, and where are you?!"
I rolled my eyes as the man was not even happy about me saving his life.
"This is not how you thank me for saving your life, and sorry but I am not telling you who or where I am."
He just groaned and walked away.

Later in Alexandria
Daryl's pov:

I walked into Alexandria, as I wasn't able to hunt anything again.
This whole week some chick has been stealing my  fucking animals, and today this, oh god I'm so pissed off.
I walked over to Rick and said: " I am telling you I'm gonna hunt that chick down."
"Again nothing ?" Rick asked with a little grin on his face.
"It's not funny! It makes me look like I'm stupid, today I was about to shoot this deer when some annoying bitchx shot wrong and scared the deer so now again nothing. Then that bitch even dared to talk rudely to me." I rolled my eyes.

"Listen, Daryl, we can track her down, that's not a problem, but I feel like it's useless," Rick said and he put down the gun he was holding.
"It's in my need to hunt her down.today."
I hurried Rick.
Rick just nodded.
"Then come one, we're going to "hunt" down this chick."
We sat in the car, on our way to track that bitch down.

Atdevs pov:

I was about to fall asleep in the trees when I heard a car in the driveway, I haven't seen a car in a long time, I mean moving of course.
Two guys walked out of the car, one was from earlier and the other one was probably his pal.
"Hey, I heard that you saved my buddy's ass today, I am here to thank you."
"What the fuck are you talking about Rick ." the one from earlier said.
So Rick and the one from earlier.
"Well of course that's what people do isn't it?"I say without doing anything.

"I thought you could maybe show yourself, my name's rick grimes, I'm the leader of this one community. We stay in Alexandria. That's our home, what's your name.?" I was thinking what a stupid person to tell this much about himself to a stranger, but I felt like he knew what he was doing. I jumped from the tree I was sitting down on the ground.

"Stranger danger." I smiled.
"We're not dangerous, if you don't trust us you don't have to."
"I won't, so why are you here though?"
I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"My friend Daryl told me about your hunting skills, he said you're the woman that's always better at hunting than him."
"The fuck Rick I never said that."
I grinned."Well yes actually I remember at least 5 times I "stole from him" because I was faster at shooting the animals and then sprinting away with them."I laughed "that was comic" I added.

"We'd love another amazing hunter in our community," Rick said as Daryl next to him was just standing like a small kid when you don't want to buy him a candy bar.
"Sure thing sounds interesting, but how am I supposed to trust u guys ?" after I ended my sentence Rick smiled and said: " when we were first introduced to Alexandria I didn't trust anybody too, just come with us."
I thought about it, sounds to cliche, doesn't it? Anyways I have nothing better to do in my life so whatever.
"I'm in." When I sat in the back of the car.

"So what's your name ?" Rick asked
"Cool name."Rick looked at me and smiled as he was slowly pulling from the spot the car was at.
When he was driving something big jumped in the middle of the road.
"Invisible," I said: "I'm gonna get rid of it."I opened the door and took my katana as I slowly ran towards the monster, I slowly stabbed it so it can fall and then I slit it's neck. After that I had its blood everywhere, I ran inside the car and said: " you should probably drive right now and fast enough, if there's one, there's gonna be more."
"What the fuck was that." Daryl looked back at me.
"Never ran into invisible? That's good, it's just a mutated walker, it gets bigger with how much food it had eaten."
They both looked stunned, they're one lucky motherfuckers to never ran into invisible.

We were born to die ~ Daryl Dixon × reader Where stories live. Discover now