13. Anything But That

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I was sitting in the caravan, with my uncle beside me. He was smiling from ear to ear, looking at me.

"My darling, how sad I was when you were gone!" he said.

"I missed you." surely, there was a little bit of truth. But a lot of lying.

"Come here," he said opening his hands for me to hug him.

I slowly walked to him, hugging him. I was not feeling comfortable anymore hugging him, which made me tear up a bit. The memory of us going for an ice cream every day after school, I don't regret having those memories, but I would regret making new ones with him.

"Kiddo, so, how did you survive?" he asked me all excited.

"It was hard," I said trying to not sound rude. After all, he was not the person I knew. He changed a lot.

We were born to die ~ Daryl Dixon × reader Where stories live. Discover now