2. Alexandria

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"so we're here," Rick said and I looked out of the window and saw large walls opening.
After the car was parked, Rick started to walk "come with me, it looks like you don't have other clothes, we don't want you to be seen all bloody, it may make a bad first impression." he said and I just went after him.
"hey michonne, you know how you said you had some extra women's clothes, right ?" the so-called michonne walked towards Rick and hugged him.
"yes, of course, is this who Daryl was all furious and shit, she looks like she wouldn't hurt a fly." I smiled and let out a small chuckle.
"well...you would be surprised about her." she smiled at me and said: "okay so the clothes are for you, right ?" I nodded
"We gotta find something pretty." she grabbed my hand and took me into a room with a lot of clothing everywhere.
"Sorry, it's a bit messy, we were today on a run and I haven't had the time to clean the clothes."
"Of course, that's not a problem."
She took from a pile of clothes some shirts and some pants.
"Choose which one you like."
I have chosen green cargo pants and a white tank top with some red converse shoes.

" I have chosen green cargo pants and a white tank top with some red converse shoes

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After I changed into my new clothes michonne knocked on the door.
"So sorry to say this but it looks like your clothes cannot be saved, they already sucked in the blood."
I shook my head with an understanding look and asked her: "So what am I supposed to do now?"
"Well, the fact that it's about 1 am, I'd say nothing, you may do whatever you desire."
Well, that told me a lot.
I am probably just gonna go for a walk.
As I was about to walk out of the house Daryl chuckled and said: "Already running off?"
"If I even was about to do that, you shouldn't give a flying fuck."
"Wow, you're being rude how mature," he said as he lighted the cigarette he was holding in between his index finger and middle finger.
"Trust me I don't give a shit about you."
I nodded telling him as I was walking off: " I have the same feeling toward you."

In the morning

I woke up covering my eyes as the sun grow bigger and shinier.
I found myself sitting under a tree next to a small lake.
As I put myself together, I walked over to the house where Rick took me yesterday.
"There she is, I was about to get happy that she left," Daryl said as he walked outside the house.
"I was worried that you already ran off," Michonne said smiling.
"No, I just slept outside."
"So after all you and Daryl do have a lot in common."Michonne giggled and I just nodded smiling.

"Today you're meeting everybody." Michonne looked at me with a serious face.
"Really? Haha, that's gonna be hard."
"Don't worry, you're gonna mostly meet only the people in our team, the other people with children you'll meet less often."
I shook my head.
"Firstly we're meeting people your age. How old are you?"
"I'm 24."
Michonne smiled.
"Amazing age, we have Glenn the sunshine of our group, Maggie she's badass and let me think who else, oh Tara! She's a sweetie. That's probably everyone closest to your age."
By her saying this I just realized I may have found my new family.

Hello everybody so, the next chapter is gonna be a lot longer.
This was just a taste check for the start.
I hope you guys will find this at least a little bit entertaining.
With every chapter, there's gonna be a lot more to catch on to!

We were born to die ~ Daryl Dixon × reader Where stories live. Discover now