7. More Truth

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"Hey, Jesus. What the fuck are you talking about. Trading? Are we some five years old at school lunch ?" I scoffed. It does make sense. But I couldn't trust anybody that much after what my father did, with the people he was trading with.

"I think it's a good idea, why do you think it's stupid Athdev ?" Rick looked at me.

"I already told ya my life story. My father was killing people he was trading with. It's dangerous. Once you get these people mad you can get killed easily. You all know that." I looked around, starting at everybody around the table.

"I agree with her," Daryl said. "But we're low on food n medicine. So it's the only option we have." he reasoned.

Never thought I'd agree with him. But here we are. We are about to trade with some fucking Hilltop. Not even knowing what kind of people live there.

Michonne, Maggie, Glenn, and others were going to the Hilltop. They asked me to go with them, as much as id love to. I was scared. Not admitting it to anybody. But I knew it deep down. I was just the same scared young adult, surviving the apocalypse with my maniac father.

I stayed behind and took care of lil Jud.
She was the kind of kid I wanted one day.
I was never really a family person, but having a cute daughter wouldn't be bad.
Knowing the times, having a kid wasn't the best option though.

It was a few hours since they went to the so-called Hilltop. People over here were going crazy over a can of beans. I had to help Olivia to keep the people away. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to do that herself.

It was the next day, they have come late at night. I was walking towards the church because that's where Rick wanted us to meet. "Hey, Dev." I heard Maggie running behind me to catch me up. "Dev ?" I furrowed my brows. "Yea it's a cute nickname, I have to show you something," she said excitedly.

As she took something from her jacket pocket I gasped loudly. "No way. You're pregnant?" I smiled widely. She nodded with teary eyes. "Ayo, that's amazing. I am gonna be godmother right ?" I looked at her. She just smiled and nodded. "You can be whoever you want."

That was amazing news.
Mini Glenn and Maggie running around.
I can imagine that.

We had a little chat with Rick about the trade with Hilltop at the church.
We have to kill some Saviour's.
I don't know why but I don't have a good feeling about this.
It feels like history is just repeating itself.
I feel like my father back then.
Maybe I am even going insane like m father. Maybe am not. I hope for the second option. But we all know, that staying sane in the middle of the apocalypse is a bit impossible.

"Hey, Aten. Wait a bit." I heard the familiar deep voice speaking up from behind me.
"What's up with you guys and the weird nicknames for me ?"

"Oh, so you'd like me to call you ma belle or what." I looked him straight in the eyes, frozen. Not knowing what to say.

"Okay, I don't hear you complaining so it's ma belle," he smirked. "I just wanted to say, that we gotta sleep in the same room together because Rick is holding a meeting," he added.

"That's not a reason for us to sleep in the same room though."

"Carl says it is, he's your best friend after all. I gotta do what he says. Or I'm gonna get beaten up." he chuckled a bit before walking off. Leaving me confused.
What was this? Why was he so friendly? Does he really wanna sleep in the same room as me? Thoughts were flooding my head as I was walking around Alexandria.

Another chapter here. Two in one day. I put my sweat n tears into it. So hopefully you will appreciate it. Thanks

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