6. Meeting

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It was a few days since the walkers got in. We were rebuilding the walls, making them even stronger than they were before. Michonne went out with Spencer to find his mother so they can kill her, Daryl and Rick were going on a supply run as we were mostly short on food. And I was just spending time with Carl.
He got closer to Enid, the girl he likes.

I was sitting on a stone next to the small lake, thinking. It's been a few hours since  Rick and Daryl went out for a supply run.

I decided to go out and just hunt some animals. After all, I haven't done that in a long time. Probably a few weeks I'd say.

When I was out of Alexandria my survival instinct immediately kicked in.
I was hunting for a few hours not even knowing where I was when I heard arguing. The voices were familiar. I smiled when I realized it was Daryl and Rick.

I was walking towards them when I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. Blood slowly falling in drops.

"Not again, come on," I said as I realized I was shot. I heard running towards me but that was the last thing I remembered.
I blacked out.

My head was hurting like hell. I put my hand on my head trying to massage it in hope the pain will go away. As I slowly sat I realized I was on the couch in Rick's house.

"You're awake." I heard a soft whisper. I looked to my left side seeing Carol smiling. And when I looked on my right side. I saw Rick, Michonne, and Daryl.

But that was when I realized someone else was standing next to Rick.
"Jesus. Am I hallucinating? Or am I dead?"

"Ya, Jesus here shot you," he mumbled "With ma gun," he added annoyed. "Man, you look like you're cosplaying Jesus or Tarzan for real," I said, earning a chuckle from him.

"My friends actually call me Jesus. But my real name is Paul." he slightly smiled.

"So tell me, Paul, why shoot me? Why not Daryl." on that comment Daryl instantly looked at me with the 'betrayed look'.

"I did it by accident. Because I was trying to take here Daryl's gun." I nodded.

"Back to it." I stood up, my eyes being blurry for a few seconds. And me almost falling on Daryl. He was ready to catch me when I chuckled and said:" You thought. "

He rolled his eyes. Walking away. "You probably shouldn't be walking," Carol said to me. "I'm okay. Trust me. I have been shot many times."

Rick looked at me confused. "What do you mean, many times."

I shook my head. What doesn't this man understand about me being shot many times? "You know how I told you about my father? Well, when I said no to killing people he would get mad. Like really mad and he just shot me."

"God, he sounds awful," Carol spoke.
"It's okay. He's probably dead." I said walking to the kitchen and getting myself a cup of water.

I realized I was still wearing the t-shirt I was before, bloody and ripped. Amazing, my favorite t-shirt was ruined.

I walked out of the house on my way to take a small walk, just to see Daryl walking behind me. "What, they made you my bodyguard or something ?" I asked not looking at him.

"I am going to hunt. I don't care about you." I put my hands in defense. "Okay, I don't really care if you care about me. I'm not having this talk, again." I rolled my eyes walking to the lake.

Looking at water has always made me relax.

So, a new chapter is here.
We can clearly see Athdev likes lakes. A new chapter is going to be out today or tomorrow as I have a lot of time.

We were born to die ~ Daryl Dixon × reader Where stories live. Discover now