3.Warming Up

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I was about to tell Rick that I gotta go on a run to bring some clothes when Maggie and Glenn stopped me asking me if I don't want to go on a run with them.
I nodded and after telling Rick im going with them I sat with them in a small old car.
"So, Athdev, what do or more like what did you like to do before the apocalypse in your free time or just tell us anything about you."
Maggie smiled.
I thought about what I'm supposed to tell them because if I'm being honest, my life back then before the apocalypse was horrible.
"Well I like to sing and dance, I was one year in college when the outbreak started I was in the architecture major and that's probably all, I had a lame life before the apocalypse.
"And how did you get your name? I mean it's very unique, Athdev, wow."
"Short story, my mom liked Athens but she didn't want to name me after a city so she brought the last three words of her name and the first three words of Athens, and boom my name is official."
Glenn laughed and said:" that's the most original story on how you got your name."

After Maggie parked the car we went to this big mall. There was a lot of clothing.
I started with pants, I took some green cargo pants, black sweatpants, and some random grey shorts just because why not.
After that, I went to the shirts section and took three most basic black shirts, some grey tops, and a green long-sleeved shirt.
I saw some shoes so I threw them in my backpack and I also took one leather jacket after that I looked if there was anything good and left.

As I was walking through the big mall I saw Glenn and Maggie making out.
I chuckled at the thought that they probably went on a run just to do their stuff...
I saw a weapon shop, don't get me wrong I'm not stupid, I know in the apocalypse everybody goes for weapons but sometimes people forget that behind the counter there are a lot of boxes with unopened weapons like knives and nunchakus.
As I was looking through it I found a big box with machetes
"bingo" I was dragging it toward the shop where Maggie and Glenn were doing the deed and loudly banged on the door.

"I'm sorry to disturb you guys but it's getting kinda late and I found something yall want to see."
They opened the door with messy hair and unbuttoned pants.
They awkwardly laughed and looked a the box.
Glenn looked at me with shock after the realized what was in it.
"No way nobody found it before you, that's big as fuck."
"Well you know, people are sometimes stupid, well most of the time."
He looked at me and said:" I was in the shop about 2 days ago and didn't find it."
I looked at Maggie and both of us busted into a laugh as Glenn was just standing with are you for real look on his face

Later in Alexandria after the run
As we came to the gates of Alexandria, Daryl opened the gate and let us in.
We opened the car trunk and took the big box of katanas out.
It immediately caught Rick's and Daryl's attention.
"The fuck, who found this box full of these."Daryl looked at us three and Maggie pointed her finger at me.
"It was Athdev. She's good at finding things."Daryl raised his eyebrow at me
"Really? Didn't expect it from her."
Rick smiled at me and said:" thank you for finding it, there are at least 20 katanas if not more, it's gonna help us."
I nodded and walked off.

After walking for a minute I felt someone looking at me so I looked behind me and there was Daryl.
"What do you want, "I asked him
"You're lucky that Rick likes you or else you would be dead by now." he looked at me furiously.
"I did nothing wrong why are you so mad?" he just rolled his eyes and walked the other way.
What is wrong with this man?
As I was walking to my room carl stopped me and asked: "do you have time to hang out?"
I let out a chuckle.
"I mean if you want to hang out for sure."
He smiled a bit and we walked toward his room full of comics, video games, and posters of famous fighters.
Just a basic teenage boy's room.
"So what do you want to do," I asked
He slightly blushed and giggled.
What is this boy planning?
"I wanted you to tell me what girls like."
I smiled widely.
"You like a girl ?" He blushed even more and I knew I had an answer.
"Well, you gotta-"
I and Carl talked about what seemed to be for a few hours because our chat got disturbed by Carol calling us for dinner.

We walked to the dining hall and there was everybody, even Daryl which shocked even Carl.
"You two little best friends were so in your little conversation that you didn't even hear me yelling, "Daryl said annoyed.
"And how do you know we didn't simply ignore you ?" I said and Carl cracked up.
Daryl just said:" okay I don't care, sit your asses down."
After dinner, Carl begged me to have a sleepover in his room so I changed and went to his room to read comics and play video games the whole night.

Hello, if someone is reading this, the next chapter will come out Sunday at about 6 pm European time.
Also, id loves it if y'all interact with this story. It keeps me writing.<33

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