~Lay down~ Augustin x tired!reader

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"I declare the peasant is allowed to stay."

Cornelius opened his mouth to protest, but Frederick raised his hand. "My say is final, they surrendered their device and the shards, i'm certain Malak will understand." It wasn't like you had much of a choice, they had you surrounded on all sides, and you were exhausted. Despite the adrenaline you had felt like you could have collapsed any second. You glanced around the room. Cornelius and Basile looked confused more than anything. Though Augustin had a big smile on his face. "I volunteer to keep an eye on them," he spoke up. Basile, Cornelius and Frederick shot each other a look. "Right... but i expect your full cooperation, is that clear?" Augustin nodded, his smile only widening. As much as you didn't trust him, you felt like he was the safest bet of the four, aside from Frederick. "Then i will leave the two of you to it, you may take the peasant to your chambers. It's best if they can rest." Augustin got up from his seat, offering you his arm. You grabbed onto it as he guided you through the hallway to his bedroom.

"Here we are, make yourself at home.. as it.. shall be your home."

The room looked beautiful. It was red and gold with a large fancy bed, a desk, a wardrobe and some other stuff as well. You wondered why living statues were given all these luxuries, considering it was in hell. However your exhaustion got the better of you, and you sat down on the bed. "I take it you wish to sleep?" He asked, a small smile on his face. "I guess so," you mumbled. "You may use my bed as long as you please, i will remain in the room with you." He placed down a small pile of books on his desk as he sat down. "You can rest easy now, the others won't harm you." You kicked off your shoes, wrapping yourself in the luxurious soft red blankets. They smelled like hibiscus flower and you felt surprisingly calm. At the desk you heard the sounds of pencil on paper. The sound was somewhat comforting, and you closed your eyes. Completely relaxed, you fell asleep.


Your eyes opened, turning on your side, only to find Augustin sitting on your bedside. He was seating on a chair, legs crossed, with a book and pencil in his hands. "Good morning," he softly spoke. "Did you sleep well?" You nodded as you sat up. "What were you doing?" He looked down at his lap and the book. "Seeing you sleep so peacefully gave me story ideas." Your interest was piqued. "Really? What kind?"

"About a woman who fell asleep as the result of a curse."

You giggled. "Like sleeping beauty?" He closed the book. "Well yes... but less dark. I never liked dark and gloom without rhyme or reason, you see." The statue placed his items away, gently grabbing your hand in his. "Enough about that, however. Are you feeling alright?" You nodded. "I guess so, still getting used to being here. Still tired as well..." Augustin gave you a sympathetic look. "I understand how you feel, it.. i'm not fully used to being here either." Letting go of your hand, he got up and took his chair with him, setting it back by the desk. "But i shall try to make you feel at home." You rubbed your eye as you hummed in response. "Fortunately, this means you can rest as much as you want to. I believe Frederick has no use for you when it comes to our work." Laying back down, you stared at the ceiling. As you began to drift of you heard him speak once more.

"I will remain by your side as long as needed."

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