~seven minutes in heaven~ Frederick x reader

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A guitar pick.

Bernard patted Fredericks shoulder. the smaller male looked absolutely horrified. "I-i guess i-it is my turn." He muttered, trying to make himself look as small as possible. You felt bad for Frederick. All eyes were on him, something he absolutely despised. You gave him a warm smile and motioned to the closet. He nodded and quickly headed to the closet, wanting to get out of sight. You followed after him and Rowan shut the doors, leaving you two alone. "Seven minutes you two!" Rowan called out from behind the closet door. You heard Bernard speak out some words of concern for Frederick.

There was an awkward moment of silence untill you decided to speak up. "Why don't we talk for a bit?" You suggested. He nodded. "Well, would you like to ask me anything?" You asked. "Yes... w-what do you think of this place so far?" He shyly asked. "It is still a little bit scary, but i have gotten used to it.. and all the nasty looks i get." You admitted. He gained a little bit of confidence after you answered his question. "I am very glad you didn't die, you and Bernard truly are lifesavers.."

You were surprised at his sudden rise in confidence. He didn't stutter or stay completely silent. This was new for him. "It's nice to hear that i guess." You smiled at him. He realized what he had just said and quickly covered his face. "I-i apologize." Frederick quickly said. "Nono, it's fine. I actually really enjoy your presence." He looked up from his hands, a small smile on his face. "Can i ask you a question?" You asked him. He nodded quickly. "Do you like anyone here? Romantically." Frederick panicked as soon as those words came out of your mouth.

"Yes... yes i do." He backed into the corner, glancing at you before looking down. "Who is it?" You got a little closer to him. "I-i-i." He struggled to form words as he started panicking even harder. Frederick stared at him, a pleading look in his eyes. Then it clicked for you. You took a step towards him, grabbed his body and planted a kiss on his cheeck. The statue looked like he was about to faint of shock. "(y-y-y/n)?" He stuttered. "Yes?" You gently  held his face in your hands. "D-do you really.." "Yes, i love you."

Poor Frederick started to tear up. "T-thank you so much!" He cried out. You pulled him into a hug, cradling him gently. "Times up!" You heard on the other side of the door. You gently grabbed Fredericks hand and walked out of the small room with him. As soon as Bernard saw you two holding hands, he smiled and gave a double thumbs up.

You've never seen Frederick happier then in that moment.

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