~seven minutes in heaven~ Richard x reader

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A golden rose.

Richard stood up, a smug grin on his face. You got nervous. Out of all the people here, Richard is one of the worst. Not only did you fall in love with him, he was one of the statues who hates humans the most. He was exactly what you would expect from a goldwatcher. Greedy, arrogant and self centered. Maurits looked at you, then Richard, then back at you. Richard walked to the closet, motioning for you to follow him. You awkwardly did so, not sure what to make of the situation.

You two stepped into the closet and Rowan slammed the doors shut, giggling as he did. There was an awkward moment of silence before Richard broke the silence. "Nervous? I wouldn't blame a peasant to be scared in the presence of someone like me." You almost scoffed at his ego. Your thoughts wandered a little. Should you confess to him? But he surely wouldn't feel that way. Richard took a huff of his pipe, smoke filling the room. You coughed a little, looking away. "Your face is red." Richard commented. "Tell me." You shook your head. Richard shot you a glare, causing you to look down.


"Get to the point."

"I love you."

Richard coughed, covering his mouth. "You, what?" You rubbed your arm. "You are so pathetic." He huffed. "Thinking you deserve me." You fought back tears, clearly this was a mistake. You heard some footsteps. You looked up to see Richard standing over you. "Why, it can't be my wealth, that would be useless now. William would has more.. value. Seeing he is the leader." You shook your head and interrupted his muttering. "It isn't your 'wealth', i don't want it. I want you!" You cried out. Richard turned away. "Why?" He questioned. "Because i love you, obviously. I don't think you are as evil as everyone says." Richard huffed, not knowing how to reply. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you against him. "Swear you'll never leave me."

He stood over you, his eyes staring into your soul. "I swear on my soul." Richard seemed slightly relaxed, pushing your head against his chest carefully.  "If you leave me i'll have to take matters in my own hands." You looked up to him. "Why the fear of me leaving?" The statue in white stroked your hair. "Not yet (y/n), not yet.." he looked almost hurt. You got a little concerned. Maybe he had some traumas including love in his past life. You cupped his face, gently pulling his head down. He looked puzzled untill you placed your lips against him. You tightly hugged him as he gently placed his hands on your hips.

After you two broke the kiss Richard rested his head onto yours. "I guess i'll have to put Maurits to work." He commented. "What do you mean?" You asked. He looked you up and down. "You deserve better than whatever... that is." He gestured to your hoodie.Before you could reply a voice sounded on the other side of the closet doors. "The times up!" Rowan called out.  Richard offered you his arm. You took it and you both left the small space.

Alot of the statues looked surprised as Richard kissed you on the head. Maurits seemed the most confused. He was told that peasants shouldn't be cared for. And now the person he looked up to was dating one? Some of the statues stared at you both.Richard noticed this and pulled you closer to him. He must have thought their eyes were on you.

"She belongs with me, don't you dare."

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