~Bargain~ Malak x reader.

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(Realized this book was 99.9% gold watchers.. soo)

You meekly laid there, in the realm Malak had thrown you in.

Above you stood mama bear, as she called herself. "Have you brought a new toy for my babies to play with?" She asked, eyeing you up and down. "Not quite, i have other plans for this one. Make sure she doesn't die or escape, i will be counting on you." With those words, the demon left in a puff of smoke. Mama bear turned her attention towards you, coming closer. "You're very lucky, dear Malak must have seen something in you. Well, up you go!" She grabbed you with her claws, putting you back on your feet. "Why don't you stay for dinner? My babies will very much love a playmate." You knew there was no way you could decline, so you simply remained silent. "I know it is a hard choice to make, but this is the best outcome," she continued. "Being under direct service of Malak puts you in a better position compared to us all."

The two of you made your way into the cabin, her rabid teddy bear children gathered around your feet. One attempted to claw at your leg until his mother told him off. You were forcefully sat down at the dinner table. "It's a bit of a messy right now, i really hope you don't mind. It won't be for long." She patted your shoulders before leaving. You sat tense, staring at the trigger teddies that had gathered around your feet. One of them began climbing up on your right leg, and you awkwardly let it, not knowing how to react, nor wanting to provoke it. Mama bear walked back into the room, shooing her child off your limbs. "You know,  you are the second person to get this far. The man before you couldn't make the cut." Her attempt at small talk didn't put you at ease.

It went on for what seemed like hours. To her credit, Mama bear managed to put your mind at ease somewhat. She treated you like one of her own, talking endlessly about her babies and the other hell portals. The adrenaline had long since died down, leaving you exhausted. She must have noticed this as she approached her in her weird manner once more. "Malak will be here soon, you can sleep in my bed in the meantime."

"There's no need," you attempted to decline. Going to sleep in a monsters bed, seemed like an inherently bad idea. Not to mention you weren't satisfied giving up your new chance just yet. But you had nowhere else to go, and you had so little fight left in you. A sound emanated from outside, as Mama bear went to look through the window. "Looks like he is back sooner than i expected."

Malak entered the house, staring you. "You're still here, i expected you to have run off as always, but it seems for once you chose to be smart." He motioned for his monsters to leave the two of you alone. Mama bear gathered up her children, and left the room. "As i said," Malak stated. "I can offer you something far greater. What use is human life, when you can be a part of something so much greater."

"Get to the point," you retorted. "Quite the attitude, given that you have gotten on my nerves for some time now, i usually would have torn your soul apart." His frustrated tone died down as he calmed himself. "I cannot deny your skills would be useful to me. So here is my offer." You listened closely. "You give up your soul, and work for me instead. I won't torture you, nor turn you into a monster." He adjusted his tie. "You will be my right hand, you have learned to use my power quite well. It would benefit us both."

"Why would i accept that?" You inquired, unsure about the choice. "Because you are trapped in a corner. I already have you in my grasp, it would be wise to accept this bargain." You stared into his empty eyes. Malak reached out his hand for you to shake. With no other option you reached out.

And you took it.

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