Fool. Collin x male!reader

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(Art by RowanRobb)

You flipped the switch. The door closing, trapping 3 statues behind it. You couldn't help but grin. "Hah! Outsmarted." The statue dressed in white clenched his axe and gritted his teeth. "Come back here filthy peasant." You narrowed your eyes. "No way in hell! You nearly cut my head clean off!" You noticed the statue you were arguing with stopped talking, a smirk forming on his face. Just then you felt someone breathing down your neck. You quickly turned around to see a statue dressed in red. He looked slighty different from the others. He had no bowtie and on his hat there were two feathers. The right side of his face was completely cracked.  He looked absolutely pissed. You managed to dodge his axe and bolted out of there

You heard a huff of frustration behind you. The statue quickly giving chase. You soon noticed he was alot faster than the others and was quickly catching up to you. You made alot of sudden moves and turned unexpected ways in an attempt to shake him off. 'Come on (Y/N)! Think!' You thought as a jade statue attempted to get a grip on you. You jumped put of the way, landing on the floor. The statue was staring down at you before sighing and walking away. 'Weird.' You thought and you got up. But you were so hellbent on escaping you failed to notice the statue in red charging at you, tackeling you to the ground.

''AGH-'' You hit the floor and looked up to see him towering over you.''Seems like your journey ends here scum.'' You looked around and saw your tablet. You picked it up and threw it against his face. It hit him right in the nose and he hissed in pain. You took the oppertunity and ran. "Hey! How dare you, come back here!" You ran and pleaded for help out of fear. Ramming into another one of them. This one was alot taller than the others and wore a brown uniform. "Oh i'm sorry. Are you alright good sir?" He asked, carefully petting your head. "Uhh y-yeah i'm fine." You didn't understand why he was being so polite to you. He smiled. "No worries, nobody will harm you in my presence." "Bernard." You assumed the statue in brown was Bernard as he quickly reacted, pulling you behind him.

"Bernard i know you're keeping it behind you." The other voice sounded tired. Bernard was silent. "Why do you insist on helping mortals.."  "Not all of them are bad! William, it isn't too late to do the right thing. Please William... just let me convince him to stay."  William sighed, shaking his head. "Fine, but i will have Collin keep an eye on him. I already know that leaving you in charge of a  mortal is a recipe for disaster." You felt Bernard tense up. "As you wish." "Now, show me the human." Bernard reluctantly stepped aside. A statue dressed in grey and gold with a tired expression was looking right at you, his eyes  seemingly staring into your soul.

"So you're the human.... state your name." You looked at Bernard who just gave you a comforting smile. You looked back at William. *"M-my name is (Y/N)." William scratched the back of his head. ''I am keeping you for Bernard's sake, but i won't hesitate to kill you if you mess up. Understood?'' You quickly nodded. ''I am the leader here so you must obey me, understood?'' You nodded again. ''Bernard, mind getting Collin for me?'' Bernard shook his head and walked off. You and William shared an awkward silence untill Bernard came back, with the statue you threw the tablet against. If looks could kill you would six feet under now. ''Why the hell do i have to be stuck with that bastard?!'' ''Language Collin.'' Collin crossed his arms and gritted his teeth. ''Fine, where does he sleep?'' William yawned. ''We don't have enough space so-'' ''You're telling me i need to share a room with that sack of meat?'' You were highly uncomfortable and just watched them argue. ''I am the leader here.'' ''I don't bloody care.'' William gave him a stern look. Collin just muttered under his breath, grabbed you by the wrist and started to forcefully drag you with him.

There were a few paintings on the walls in his room. He dragged you in and commanded you to sit on the chair. You did as he asked and he sat down in the chair opposite of you. ''Name?'' He asked. ''(Y/N).'' You replied. He took a piece of paper and a pencil and began writing it up. You looked around the room. The paintings were dark in nature and there was alot of gore. ''Uhm, what are the paintings about?'' You asked him. ''Venting.'' Was all he replied.  You wanted to press further but you knew barrading him with questions would only make him angrier. He kept on writing things, at least you assumed he was as you couldn't see what he was doing.  You were awkwardly watching him scribble on the paper. "So uhhhh. What is it like being  statue?" You asked him. "Annoying." He said. You figured he wasn't happy with you. "So uhh what are the others like here?" He groaned. "Soft and annoying." 

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