~{Music talent}~ jealous!Damian x reader

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You had no idea how you got yourself in this situation. You were surrounded from each direction by these statues. One dressed in yellow, one in red and one in green. No idea on how to act, you quickly ran to the side. The yellow statue got ready, raising his axe at you as you ran right into him. You somehow managed to push him to the ground, falling right next to him. You quickly got up for before he could react, and started running. A pair of footsteps quickly came after you. You kept running, not looking behind you.

Running into something that seemed like a music room, you came to a halt. You shut the door. Locking the door was impossible, though. You decided to look around for a while. There were all types of instruments all around the room. You decided to sit by the piano, brushing your fingers over the keys. Taking a deep breath, you started to play one of your favorite melodies. You became so fixated on the piano that you didn't notice the door opening. When you were finished you sighed. Out of nowhere someone started clapping. You immediatly tensed up at this.

In the doorway stood the exact same statue dressed in gold and yellow. He was clapping and nodded in approval. You awkwardly stood next to the piano, trying to figure out what was happening. Now that you could take a closer look at the statue, you noticed he was wearing glasses. The statue eventually stopped clapping and then approached you. You tried to back off, somewhat scared. The statue was unarmed though. He physically picked you up, and began to carry you in his arms. He sat you down on a chair, motioning for you to stay there. He then left.

You awkwardly sat that for a while, waiting for the statue to return. Looking at the door you could not help but think about escaping. Just as you were about to get up the statue returned, this time holding a violin. He sat down next to you, awfully close. Then he started to play the exact same melody you had just played on the piano. His eyes were closed and he seemed completely lost in the moment. You watched on in amazement, unsure how to react. You stood up, him opening his eyes. He stopped playing as he watched your every move.

Slowly making your way back to the piano, you sat down. The statue seemed to catch on and started all over again. This time, you played along on the piano. You two played for what felt like forever. Just as you were about to finish the door swung open."Damian who is-" In the doorway stood a very confused statue dressed in brown. He looked at you, then the statue in yellow. A smile formed on the face of the strange statue. "Damian! I never thought you were the type of person." The statue spoke for the first time.

"Bernard... what do you want?" You gave them both a confused look. The statue quickly took note of this. "Oh i forgot to introduce myself, i am Bernard and this lovely man here is Damian." He gently bowed down. You slightly giggled at it. Damian clenched his fists and glared at Bernard. "Is there something.. oh i get it, apologies." Bernard quickly excused himself and left. You were left completely confused at the whole encounter. Damian looked annoyed, nearly angry. "So.. your name is Damian?" you asked. He simply nodded, not giving it much attention. "I think it's a beautiful name."

He tensed up at this. Damian muttered something under his breath and looked away. You stood up and walked towards him. You were somewhat hesitant of your next moves, but went on anyway. Gently running your fingers through his hair, surprising him. "Is everything alright?" You asked. Damian looked up at you. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Sorry, you just looked troubled. Damian stood up and grabbed your hand, dragging you along with him. "H-hey! What are you doing?" You asked, somewhat scared. He took you to a nearby room. Opening the door revealed a bedroom. The room looked  pretty cozy.

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