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Hi so lets get to it!

I have been stuck in my hut all day after what happened earlier! Right now i am sneaking through the woods. I am making sure no one follows me. I haven't had my hair down since last year when pitch broke my heart. I am mostly sneaking through the woods to the other side of the edge without nia.

I only look at myself in the reflection of the water with my hair down in any forms as no one sees me with my hair down unless first thing in the morning like earlier. But there is another thing i kept a secret from everyone including my big siblings hiccup and hicca. I play a lure and sing. Mostly a lullaby I remember mom sing a hour before she was taken by that dragon. I sneaked the rest of the way through the woods to the beach.

When i got to the beach i took my hair out of its bun to feel the wind in my hair. I grabbed my lure. "Play music Where the North wind meets the sea
There's a river full of memory
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound
For in this river, all is found
In her waters, deep and true
Lie the answers and a path for you
Dive down deep into her sound
But not too far or you'll be drowned
Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear
And in her song, all magic flows
But can you brave what you most fear?
Can you face what the river knows?
Where the North wind meets the sea
There's a mother full of memory
Come, my darling, homeward bound
When all is lost, then all is found!" I sang while i felt a few petals pass through the wind. I opened my eyes when i heard clapping. I quickly put my hair back in its bun as i turned around. "Didn't know you could sing sis!" I heard a familiar voice say. "Hiccup, hicca, you weren't supposed to here that." I said.

"And why not, we are both your older siblings, we have a right to know!" Hiccup said. "But no one knows that i sing or play the lure." I said looking down while twirling the necklace mom gave me when i was born. "If I remember correctly mom did play the lure as well." Hicca said. "Really?" I asked. "Yep! Come on you and hiccup catch me up on what I missed while i was away!" Hicca said.

I heard a groan from somewhere near. "Wait you hear that?" I asked looking around. "Hear what?" Hiccup asked. "This way." I said as i followed the sound of the groaning. I seen a boat upside down.

I turned the boat over. I gasped as i seen a boy and a dragon where the boat was not to long ago. "How did they get here?" Hiccup asked. "I don't know." Hicca said. "We should take them back to the edge and make sure they are okay." I said.

Toothless, who i noticed was here not to long ago with luna who is his sister, gently grabbed the boy while luna grabbed the dragon. We headed back to the edge. We talked along the way. "Fishlegs! We found these two at the beach." I said as i seen fishlegs in the clubhouse. Pitch tried to get close to me just now but Hicca took a loud step forward and he immediately back away.

Fishlegs nodded as we went to his hut and put the boy and dragon on a spare bed fishlegs have. "The boy has white hair?" Hicca said. "Why though and what dragon is this?" Fishlegs asked. "Looks like a flightmare but also a groncicle." Hiccup said. "I seen the dragon last month and named it frost mare but the boy's hair, i never seen anything like it!" I said.

Suddenly the boy was moving his head! We all looked at him. "Hello are you okay sir?" I said. "Um... yes who are you all and where am i?" The boy asked. "I am Herenderous Haddock, Addison the third, these are my siblings Hicca and Hiccup. This is Toothless the night fury and his sister Luna, this is nia a light fury. My friend Ingerman, Fishlegs and Meatlug the gronckle, and who you may i ask?" I asked.

"Frost, Jack and this is my dragon sister Elsa, but where are we?" Jack, apparently, asked. "Dragons edge, we will help and tell you more later but first fishlegs needs to treat your wounds." Hicca said. Me and my siblings with our dragon friends left and headed to my hut. When we opened the door hiccup and hicca ran in as we seen pitch in there with toothless and luna behind them. Soon a plasma blast was heard and luna was carrying pitch with hicca on her back and tossed pitch very far from dragons edge in the sea.

I just walked in with nia behind me. "Okay then." I said. Me, hiccup, and hicca talked about what was going on these past few months. "So how long you plan on staying?" I asked. "Well just a week then go to dad." Hicca said.

"K, i hope we can get somethings done while pitch is away." I said. "HICCUP! ADDISON! HICCA!" We heard someone yell. We opened the door. We seen fishlegs on meatlug riding up here. "The edge is under attack!" Fishlegs said.

We got on our dragons and went to the hunters attacking. We fired at the ships. Once done we all got back to our huts. It was near night time so I fell asleep as soon as i got in bed. The next week was calm.

1 week, 1 day later

"Good morning dragons edge! It's Ruff!" I heard ruff say into the mega-phone as i call it. I got up out of bed seeing nia sleeping. I took a quick shower then changed. I suddenly didn't feel so good. I went outside to get some fresh air.

I went to a bush nearby and suddenly threw up. I suddenly relised that what gothi said 2 weeks ago might have happened and that i need to tell Hiccup. I walked down the bridge that was connected to hiccup hut. I knocked on hiccup's hut door. "Adi, what wrong?" Hiccup asked when he opened the door sleepingly.

"Can i talk to you in your hut?" I asked scared of my life. "Yeah sis." Hiccup said putting his hand on my back closing his door as i came in. "What do you need to tell me?" Hiccup asked. "Remember when gothi asked for me to go to berk 2 weeks ago?" I asked as hiccup nodded. "Well gothi needed to tell me a prophecy about me. She said that in one week i would meet a guy that was meant for me and a week after that i would somehow be...." I began scared to tell hiccup the last bit.

"What is it?" Hiccup asked rubbing my back. "Gothi said i be p-pr-..." i started crying and sat on the stool at hiccup's desk as toothless came down. "Hey whatever it is I won't be mad at you about it." Hiccup said neeling infront of me. "Gothi said i would have... a child." I said quietly looking at the ground. "Really, i am glad for you sis but why were you scared to tell me?" Hiccup asked.

"Because you are my older brother you are always overprotective of me and make sure nothing bad happens to me, and after what happened with the venomous vorpent when we were 15, i was more scared then anything." I said hugging hiccup. "Hey it's okay, we will get your hut ready and i will help you. I promise." Hiccup said as he put his right hand in the form of a mouth. I put my left hand as a mouth and tapped it against hiccups. "Thanks hic." I said smiling. Toothless rubbed against me.

"Here's one for hiccup and Adison, i miss you too along with our secret ways to show our promises to one another, signed stoick and hicca!" We heard tuff say. "TUFFNUT!!!" We exclaimed as we practically ran out of the hut and onto the bridge towards the megaphone. "We need to make sure the terrible terrors deliver straight to us, if from dad and hicca." I said after we knocked out tuff and ruff and entered my hut. I saddled nia and we went for our morning flight. "How many do you think there will be?" I asked after awhile.

"I don't know but i do know you will be a awesome mom!" Hiccup said. "Thanks again hiccup." I said smiling at him. "Hey you two, what you talking about?" Astrid asked as she flew next to hiccup. "Well, um... it's kinda a long story." I murmured but loud enough for Astrid to hear. We explained to her what happened.

"Well i will support and help you adi!" Astrid said. "Thanks!" I said. "We should head back." Hiccup said as our dragons headed back towards the clubhouse. "Yeah." I said lying down on nia's saddle. "Just to warn you sis you might throw up alote and want to sleep alote." Hiccup said as i nodded and feel asleep.

Hey! I wanted to update this or anything in april but i was busy! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, comment, and check my other books out! I will probably work on my miraculous one or the new gardian!

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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