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Chapter Thirty-six | The Lodger

FOOTBALL. Not American football but actual football. The Doctor was playing while Eve and Sophie would be cheering him and Craig on from the sidelines. "What are you actually called, what's your proper name?" Craig asked as they walked towards the football game.

"Just call me the Doctor." The Doctor responded as he held the ball in his hand.

"Yeah." Eve and Sophie nodded.

"I can't say to these guys, 'Hey, these are my new flatmates, she's called Eve and he's called the Doctor.'"

"Why not?" Eve and the Doctor asked at the same time.

"Cause it's weird."

"How's it weird?" Eve questioned as they got closer to the people who stood at the pitch. Craig greeted them with a smile.

"All right, Craig. Soph. All right, mate." The Doctor went up to the man shaking his hand.

"Hello, we're Craig's new flatmates." The Doctor introduced. "I'm called the Doctor, she is Eve." Eve waved with a smile.

"All right, Doctor. I'm Sean. Where are you strongest?" Sean asked the Doctor.

"Arms." The men all looked confused.

"No, he means, what position? On the field?" Craig told the Doctor. The Doctor turned to Sean again.

"Not sure. The front? The side? Below?" The Doctor started listing off making Eve sigh.

"Are you any good though?" The Doctor twirled the ball on his finger before heading onto the pitch.

"Let's find out."

They came to find out that the Doctor wasn't bad at all. He was actually quite good. "Okay, not what I was expecting!" Eve smiled with Sophie as they stood on the sidelines. "Go!"

They both began to cheer as the Doctor scored. Craig on the other hand looked slightly annoyed. "You're brilliant, you're amazing!" Sophie encouraged. "Come on, Craig, show them what you've got!"

As Craig went to kick the ball, the Doctor came running in. He kicked the ball into the goal making everyone cheer. Eve glanced at Sophie who was staring at Craig. "Oh, my God."

"What?" Sophie questioned.

"You like Craig, don't you?" Sophie looked at her with wide eyes, trying to deny but Eve's smile just got wider. "You do, don't you?"

"Well, maybe... Do you like the Doctor, then?" Sophie questioned. Eve was silent. "I knew it, the way he looks at you."

"Wait, the way he looks at me?" Eve looked at her confused but she was cheering on the Doctor as he scored over and over again. The whole crowd began to cheer him on. Eve cheered him on making him look over with a smile and a wave, which she returned making Sophie nudge her.

The game was over so the team, plus Eve and Sophie, were at a bench. Sean came walking over. "You are so on the team! Next week we've got the Crown and Anchor, we'll annihilate them!"

"Annihilate? No violence, not while I'm around," Eve shook her head and looked around. "not today, not ever. I'm the Doctor, the oncoming storm... and you meant beat them in a football match, didn't you?"


"Lovely, what sort of time?" There was a fizzing noise that made them all look at Craig, whose drink had sprayed all over him. Everyone laughed. But then it happened again. And again.

The Doctor and Eve looked at each other before walking away. "Amy? Amy?" The Doctor spoke into the earpiece. "What does the scanner say?... yes, yes, it's... it's good! Zigzag plotter, zigzag plotter, Amy." There was a loud scream that even Eve heard.

"What was that?" Eve asked. "Is she all right?"

"Amy? Are you there? Amy?" The Doctor sighed. "Ah, thank heavens. I thought the Tardis had been flung off into the vortex with you inside it, lost forever."

"How are the numbers?" He asked. "Fives?" Both he and Eve glanced back at the group who were no longer in a loop. "Even better. Still, it means the effect's almost unbelievably powerful and dangerous, but don't worry. Hang on, okay? I've got some rewiring to do."


"So, what are you doing again?" Eve asked as she walked... on the ceiling. The Doctor looked up at her, going to explain but there was a knock on the bedroom door causing him to answer and Eve to jump down to the floor.

"Hello, flatmate."

"Hey, man. Hey, Eve." Craig greeted. "Listen, Sophie's coming round tonight and I was wondering if you could give us some space?"

"Oh, don't mind us. You won't even know we're here." There was a loud noise from upstairs. "That's the idea." He closed the door in Craig's face letting the Doctor go back to what he was doing. "Yes, perfect! What a beauty!"

Eve was tired. She hadn't slept in a while. The Doctor glanced at her as she sat on the bed. "Are you all right?" He asked, stopping what he was doing.

"Yeah, fine. Perfect." She responded.

"No, you aren't, what's wrong?" He sat down beside her.

"Nothing," Eve told him before flopping down on the bed. "It's nothing. I just haven't slept." The Doctor, carefully, flopped down beside her.

"It's the... dream, isn't it? It's bothering you."

"... maybe. A little..." Eve told him. "Okay, yeah."

There was a silence. "Would you like to tell me?"

"Only if you tell me what yours was. Amy told me you all had the same one but I wasn't there." Eve looked at him.

"You first."

"Fine." She sighed before sitting up. "I woke up... in an apartment in New York." She began making the Doctor sit up too.

"There was... this man. He told me that we were engaged and his name was John Smith." The Doctor looked confused. "I worked in a nursery. But something weird happened."

"What was it?"

"I think... you were there." The Doctor looked at her. "You started shouting at me. You told me I wasn't important and I was useless." She laughed lightly.

"Eve, you know I would never call you those things because you aren't those things. You are very important." He placed his hand on her shoulder causing her to look at him.

"You also called me the Girl who forgot. You told me to wake up and remember." She explained to him.

"You're crying." He told her making her wipe her cheek. She smiled before turning her body to face him.

"Your turn." The Doctor realized she didn't want to speak of the dream. It made her feel uncomfortable when she thought about it.

He then told her that in the strange dream which turned out to be two dreams. One where Rory had a ponytail, Amy was pregnant and they lived in a small boring town. The other was the Tardis heading into a cold star. It caused Eve to laugh at some points and it made the Doctor slightly happy to see her smile.

"I'll be downstairs." He tapped her nose. "You sleep."

"What about Craig and Sophie?" Eve called as he walked away.

"They won't see me." They did see him.


Does this make sense? I always ask this question but I'm just making sure!

- 𝐔𝐍𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 !Where stories live. Discover now