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"WHERE..." Rory began, his eyes glancing around the plain white room. Eve, who still sat on the brown-ish seat next to the console, glanced back at the huge screen behind her as the doctor took off his jacket. "...is everyone?"

"Right, Rory, switch the Time Glass on and sonic it." The doctor commanded. "I'm sending a command to the screwdriver. Amy's here somewhere. If I can just get a lock on her. I wonder what happens if we mix the filters? What do you think, Evie?"

"I'm hoping it explodes." Eve muttered with a shrug, only for the doctor to give her a joking-pointed look. "I'm sorry, it's a bit boring being the one stuck inside!"

"I know, I know, Sweetheart, but... look!" The doctor pointed to the screen. Rory held up the time glass, after sonicing it, to reveal a massive group of blurry people all standing around. "And there they are. 40,000 time streams overlapping. Red Waterfall isn't one time stream. It's thousands."

"Ooo..." Eve whispered.

"Are they happy?" Rory asked.

"Oh, Rory. Trust you to think of that." The doctor sighed, leaning against the railing next to Eve's chair. "I think they're happy to be alive. Better than the alternative."

"Whats.. that?" Eve questioned, pointing at a figure, who was running at Rory, which seemed a lot less blurry than the rest. Just as she asked this, Rory lowered the time glass only for a person in some sort of armour to hold a sharp sword-like object up to Rory's throat.

"I come in peace! Peace, peace, peace, peace!" Rory cried as he fell on his back, holding up his hands as the person held the object to his neck.

"I waited." The voice was deep and angry. Though the anger was real, the voice was not... almost as if it were modified.

"Sorry, What?" Rory asked with confusion and fear all mixed into one.

"I waited for you." Eve's eyes widened, Breath catching in her throat, as the mask figure removed the metal which covered their face. It was Amy. An older Amy. Her face had grown wrinkled... but still, she looked amazing!

"Amy?" Eve questioned.

"Amy..." Rory sighed. "Doctor, what's going on?"

"Er..." The Doctor muttered. Eve glanced up at him, seeing the shock that was written all over his face. He looked at her too — the Both of them were confused, shocked and in disbelief. How long had Amy been there?

"Amy." Rory muttered, pushing the sharp sword away from his neck before standing up to come face to face with his wife.

"I think the time stream lock might be a bit wobbly." The doctor explained.

Amy raised her sword — a katana — so it was pointed at Rory who was begging for his life. "No, please. Please!" He cried.

"Duck." That was all Amy said before the man ducked, her katana stabbing right through a robot who had been attempting to sneak up on Rory. It fell backward with a loud bang, a clean hole going right through it's head. All three were in shock. "Handbots carry a black box in case they go offline. I've changed the cause of termination from hostile to accidental. Easy to re-programme. Using my sonic probe."

- 𝐔𝐍𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 !Where stories live. Discover now