Part 3

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Mink and Peacemaker waited for the rest of their winglet to come. The last one to arrive was a green seawing. Peacemaker and Mink were talking while a hivewing approached them. "Hello!" The Hivewing chirped. Mink looked up at her. Her deep blue eyes examining her. "Hello!" Mink and Peacemaker exclaimed at the same time. "I've never met dragons like y'all." The yellow hivewing said leaning closer to the group. The SilkWing came stomping up to the Hivewing. He approached the Hivewing and grabbed her by the arm. "Come on Bumblebee we're going to the library!" He yelled dragging her out of the room. "Bye guys, nice meeting you!" She yelled from down the hallway. Mink and Peacemaker gave each other a quizzical look, and then fell over laughing.

     Hi guys sorry about not posting I lost motivation, but I have now regained that motivation and I shall be posting again. :]

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