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A green dragon stormed through the camp. Her venomous tail whipping dangerously from side to side. A dragon jumped out of the way as she stomped pass. Her Snow White teeth bared. She tore through a red faded curtain that slid  to the side and trotted into the building. A sandwing that had her horns practically dripping in gold and gems turned to great the raging dragon. 

     "The soldiers lost another dragonet!" The LeafWing hybrid roared while she flared out her two pairs of insect looking wings. 

     "Woah calm down Rosary, they found another dragonet. And they also found an egg!" The sandwing chirped as she laid a warm talon onto the hybrid's shoulder. The sandwing's earring swayed from the motion.  

     Rosary let out a sigh and loosened her muscles. "Ugh I need some coffee."  She commented as she fell back onto a golden silk couch.

     The Sandwing nodded and disappeared into the other room. Rosary slumped back and stared up at the ceiling. The golden chandler hung from the ceiling. Rosary believed, and new that this chandelier had no purpose because during daylight hours the building was bathing in sunlight, and at night the camp had so many fires going and oil lamps burning that they didn't have any use for the chandelier. Also the chandelier would  always swing back and forth at the slightest punch to the wall or a door opening. Rosary had gotten so paranoid that she swore that it would fall on someone one day. 

 When Rosary had finished brewing up hatred for the chandelier the  Sandwing came back with two glasses of coffee. 

     "Thank you Sidewinder." Rosary said as she grabbed the glass. 

     "So how many dragonets and dragon eggs are there all together right now?" Sidewinder asked as she craned her neck to glance out the window. 

     "Well, our members all together have about seventy eggs." Rosary said. Rosary went on. "Our members have about thirty dragonets. We have stolen one hundred and ten eggs from towns all over Phyrrhia that we have gathered for the past few months, and we currently have stolen fifty eight young dragonets." "So we are estimated to have in about three to four months, we'll have 268 dragonets at this camp." Rosary finished. 

     Sidewinder spit out the coffee she had in her mouth. 

     "Two hundred and sixty eight dragonets, at this one camp!?" Sidewinder remarked with a strident nervous squeak. "What are we supposed to do with two hundred and sixty eight dragonets!?" Sidewinder questioned.

     "Well first of all, we do have camps all over Phyrrhia so we'll put the dragonets at the camps that are nearest to their home country, but what we'll do with the dragonets that we have taken. We'll keep them here or at one of our remote camps. Our members will keep their dragonets unless if their dragonet has unique or powerful traits." Rosary said in a cool, calm and collected tone.

     A cold sweat broke out on Sidewinder's face. She grinned and continued to sip her coffee while she stared at the sand covered wooden floor.

     "I, I mean at least we'll have a greater chance of having dragonets that posses powerful traits to appease the overlord." Sidewinder mumbled as she turned her head towards Rosary.   

     "You don't have to call him the overlord it's not like he's going to rise for the grave and put a hex on you.

     "Well he did enchant that dragon to tell us about his passing." Sidewinder said.

     "He enchanted that dragon to inform us so we could carry on his legacy and save him from the dark inky abyss of mortal death. And he would be so pleased and appreciative if you just called him by his actual name." Rosary said as she glanced at Sidewinder. "And his name isssss?"

     "His name is Darkstalker, and our mission for thousands of years has been to worship him and to aid him with his hardships." Sidewinder sighed. 

     "That's the spirit!" Rosary barked as she playfully nudged  Sidewinder. 

Meanwhile at Jade Mountain Academy

     The Jade winglet is preparing to fly to the party that was advertised in bold and black shiny letters on the smooth scarlet invitation. Little did they know that they are about to step into the rough grasping talons of evil that would alter their lives forever. Not even Darkstalker himself could of seen this scenario playing out like how it is about to go.

∘₊✧──────✧₊∘𓆩⟡𓆪Hi guys! Hope you all liked this chapter! Anyways thank you for reading. I enjoyed typing this chapter, and if you notice any grammar or spelling mistakes please comment and I'll fix them. Bye! :]∘₊✧──────✧₊∘𓆩⟡𓆪

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