ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇɴ {5}

530 36 34

The room was silent and dark. There was only source of light which was none other than a laptop which was on Taehyung's lap.

He was sitting on the bed, fingers working furiously. A frown was adorned on his face. He was searching.. searching informations of JK.

Roaming his eyes around the screen he tried to search a better location. It was a way to find things about dark world even though that never really worked but he still tries. He had his privilege to get this access.

While he was busy his phone rang. His rosy lips curved into a small smile knowing very well who called him.

It was a daily routine anyways. No matter how tired he and his boyfriend are, they call at night atleast to wish 'goodnight', it became a habit now.

He took the phone which was on the top of his diary and picked it up, there was no need to check the caller ID.

"Hello baby!" He said, eyes sparkling.

"Hey love. Are you tired?" The man from the other side said.

Taehyung smiled softly. Yes he was tired and Jungkook understood that just by his voice. He is glad to have a lover like Jungkook who cares for him like this.

"Mhm I am. Working on something for a while now." He said looking at the laptop screen.

Jungkook hummed and decided to ask. "What is making my angel tired huh?"

Taehyung chuckled and made a thinking sound before speaking "got a mission for tomorrow."

There he said that. He was not supposed to say this to anyone, heck he did not even shared this info with his team members but jungkook had nothing to do with that right?

Telling his boyfriend about his mission won't hurt as Jungkook himself did not like JK, JK was about to hurt Jungkook and his business before so definately the man supports him in his case.

Jungkook on the other side froze. His eyes stilled on the wine glass infront of him.

Was... Taehyung talking about the auction tomorrow.

He gulped and asked again. "Yeah? Again.. what is it this time?"

Taehyung huffed "you know that asshole never lets me breath properly for one day! He is going to an auction of humans! Like fucking stop this shits now! If he's a big big mafia boss, he knows that we're finding him right? Why can't he just amend his mistakes and stop this! " He babbled, letting out his anger for the male and his sins that he got to know in all those years.

Taehyung was getting frustrated. Being an officer it was so hard for him to believe how a man can be this heartless to sell humans to others.

Jungkook let out a shaky breath. His grip on the bedsheet tightened. Why just fucking why he had to do all this. Why did he have to a person who Taehyung hates so bad.

Now he needed to plan something in one night so that Taehyung will not recognise him tomorrow.

"Oh. Be careful baby, places like that are really dangerous." He said. Feeling bad that if something happens with Taehyung in the hall he would not be able to save his love.

"Uhm.. I know, I'll take care. I'm just so mad at him. I swear I'll not leave a single chance to punish him in a worse way possible." Taehyung huffed again and glared at the search bar in his laptop which was showing nothing but only the search histories of JK.

Jungkook wanted to go and wrap his arms around Taehyung while murmuring sorrys till the man forgives him but it was not easy and not possible.

And if the hugs are not enough he is ready to fall on his knees to earn Taehyung's forgiveness. He will do anything Taehyung will tell him to, if it means he will he forgiven.

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