(> '-')>..!Mornings!..

74 3 3

Tranquility... it's nice!

The wood of my room desk was cold, but it was actually kinda nice on a hot night like tonight.

I lifted my head from my arms and looked around rubbing my eyes, forgetting where I was for a moment. My moon lit room stood messily in all its glory. Yawning I looked down at my phone '5:30' My eyes widened. "Really! That has to be a record!" I smiled proudly. "Not to bad for an insomniac!"

Standing up from my beloved spiny desk chair I brought my arms upwards stretching and relieving myself of any sore or tight spots that might have formed do to my awkward sleeping position, earning myself a few satisfying pops from my back and arms in the process.

I glanced down at the desk I was just sleeping at with frustration evident on my facial features.

Papers where scattered and strewn across the desk some even lay forgotten and crumpled on the floor, most of the pieces where fails but some, wonderful works in progress. Pencil stubs and eraser shavings where scattered in random directions everywhere!

All in all the desk was an utter mess.

I sigh. "This is gonna be a pain to clean up later..." I muttered starring at the pile of crap on my desk before sighing for the second time today, turning around to puff out my chest and strut over to my bed. "But that's a problem for my future self to deal with!"

But before I threw myself on to the safety of squish that was my bed I quickly searched my pockets for the one thing a teen can't live without.

"My phone!!!" I whisper yelled as I twisted the top half of my body towards my messy desk. Practically teleporting over to my desk and swiping my phone off the pile of failed works it had been resting on, like it was just in the hands of the gross kid at school. "Don't worry mommas got ya!" I coo'ed softly petting the device like it was a living baby.

Then promptly yeeting myself back over to my bed and collapsing on the covers, phone still held in my right hand, griped tightly just in case of emergencies.

Then promptly yeeting myself back over to my bed and collapsing on the covers, phone still held in my right hand, griped tightly just in case of emergencies

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(Her room except like a bit different, I might make a drawing of it then I'll replace this picture cuz the inaccuracy bugs me)

I tried to at least get one more hour of sleep but like always my brain doesn't shut of that easily. Damn that desk, and that weird will to be productive at 3:00 in the morning!

I didn't mean to fall asleep at my desk. I never do but my mr. brain here thinks he owns my sleeping schedule and I end up staying up late, going to sleep at unreasonable hours, and waking up at the ungodly hours butt-crack.

To be completely honest today wasn't to bad I usually I wake up an hour earlier than that, some times I don't get much sleep at all.

And as my eyelids finally start to flutter closed...

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