<.˚...∆ Listening in ∆...˚.>

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It sounds peaceful... but my mind is so loud, that I can't hear it...

It had been a few weeks in the Kamado household, three to be exact, but what am I stuck doing in these days you ask?

Well dear reader I'm stuck laying in a futon that will never be as comfortable as the beds back in our world and my back is starting to hurt!

Don't get me wrong it is amazing being cared for! Especially because the people caring for me are the people I had got to know through paper pages and electronic devices.

BUT it is not that awesome to not be able to get up without my lungs feeling like their going to collapse and you can't forget the inability to see the main male character!?

YES YOU HEARD ME RIGHT! I can't see the best boy! (T—T)

Why you ask? Well you see, we are now in olden day Japan with means that because I'm not part of their family and I am of age, that means that the other males that are of age that live in the house should not be in the same room as me while I am sick. Technically I shouldn't even be sleeping at there house.

Looking on the bright side of things, I had met Kei, Hanako, Shigiru, Takaeo, Rokuta, and Nezuko.

They would all take turns giving me food or water, and each round had a different activity that I would do with the person.

Kei: she would give me lunch, usually she would stay until I was finished and take my plate to leave, all while smiling and giving small comments or questions about wether it was good or if I was comfortable, she is making me feel a little bit more at home here. She would never ask personal questions though... which I found comforting and a tad bit concerning, due to the fact that there was a stranger in there house that barely spoke their language and on top of that they didn't even know which country I was from!

Hanako and Shigiru: they would never come in to give me anything, I am told it's because they're very clumsy and would spill everything right away. When they do come in though is around five minutes after lunch. Right on cue two excited kids would come running through the door to come get me to take me outside on small walks. Kei had realized how much I liked outside and had assigned the twins to take me. Due to my health I could only walk a few minutes without taking breaks, so sitting under trees in the shade while the twins tell me stories, teach me words I didn't know, and recite tails about the big brother that I couldn't meet yet, had become a normal daily pleasure. "You know he's the one who saved you right?" Shigiru would remind me of his heroic brother in awe, for about the fifth time today. "Oh, I can't wait till you can meet him!" Hanako would respond in turn with the same amount of excitement as the other.

Nezuko: she would feed me breakfast in the morning and it would be pleasantly quiet for a while, it wasn't awkward, it was just nice. We would soak in each other's presences until I was done with my food. She would put everything back on the tray that she carried all the plates and bowls in on, but she wouldn't leave. We would start a small conversation and even with my limited speech we would make small talk and it would be nice answering simple yes or no questions or other simple things. Then she would tell me about her day yesterday in some simple-ish words and I would communicate to the best of my abilities. Shortly after she would leave to do her morning chores.

Takeo and Rokuta: they would drop by in the evening to give me dinner. Takeo wouldn't say anything to me except a "here." When handing me my food or a short "goodnight." When leaving... at least thats what I think would happen if Rokuta wasn't here. Rokuta was now my new buddy for everything, like he wanted to do everything with me. He would try to escape whatever he was doing just to visit me, to check up on me when he had the chance. I found this incredibly cute! While the Kamado member who was taking care of him at that moment was... not amused. Especially because he would wine and complain when his immediate caretaker would take him back to, whatever he was doing before, and when he wouldn't comply they would threaten to take away his privileges to come with Takeo to give me my dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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