☆*:.。.cinnamon rolls.。.:*☆

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Its not so tranquil anymore...

It may have been raining outside but inside the school bus was an absolute mess of noisy, excited middle school kids all eager to get to the beach.

I sat down in an empty window seat.

To give you a sneak peek of my status at school I'll tell you where exactly in the bus I sat... You know that place right in between the cool kids and the music blasters...

yea thats where I sat, right against the window too, and to be honest... I kind of liked it that way.

No one except my closest friends would sit by me and question me about things that I don't really want to talk about and I could just block out any of the incredibly loud sounds with my Bluetooth headphones!

I sat back in my seat and sighed contently, my headphones already put comfortably around my ears, blocking out the unpleasant but popular music blasting throughout the bus. Pulling my back pack on my lap I unzipped the top and began sifting throughout the contents of the bag.

When my hand hit a rectangular object I grabbed it and pulled it halfway out of the bag. After i had checked that it wasn't something else more embarrassing i pulled it all the way out, zipped the bag up again and put it down by my feet. Sitting up strait I opened the pages of the demon slayer manga 'kimetsu no yaiba sword smith village arc.'

I was exited to see what would happen next! Sure I new the average spoilers and all the hashiras who where gonna die and all that but I didn't know the complete plot or the details about some things.

The raindrops racing down the bus the window where quite comforting as my soft lofi playlist was blocking out the chaos that was going on around me. I flipped a page as everything around my began to fade until there was only my and my thoughts, where I could go anywhere.

I ended up settling under a peaceful tree where the the wind is refreshing, of corse it was all in my head but it was still refreshing to me in a way.

Halfway through another chapter I felt a tap on my shoulder pulling me back to reality for a moment, I tried ignoring it so could I kept reading and get back to my imagination... Another tap was given, I ignored it again. Another, again ignored.

"Oh come ON!" A voice yelled out. Finally I looked over.

Turning to the side I was met with some slightly angry electric blue eyes.

While I was preoccupied with finding my book my best friend had slipped unnoticed into the seat beside me. I cracked a smile as I removed the headphones from my ears and let them rest around my neck.

"What do you want Zuko?" I said still slightly annoyed.

An erk-mark began forming on his forehead and He huffed. "It took you that long for you to realize I was here!?" He yelled offend.

I blinked, "how long?" I asked sincerely, my annoyance slightly fading.

He looked at me in a baffled but weirded out manner. "You really don't realize how long your nose was stuck in that book?"


"No." I answered.

"you really are amazing-" He sighed, gasping I put a hand over my heart as I fained amazement, looking over at me he cringed. "-ly hopeless"

I removed the hand from my chest and deadpanned. "No really, how long have I been lost in imagination."

He looked over to me and probably lost all the hope he had for me when he saw my clueless expression. His eyebrow twitched grabbing on to my shoulders looking into my very sole. "Your serious?" He asked the smirk that he had on twitching slightly as well.

The World Inside my TV... Demon Slayer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now