Prolog 01

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ㅤㅤAt night it looks like a shooting star that suddenly crosses among thousands of stars that night, the object continues to dart until it reaches a place known as 'The Various of Stars' when it reaches the ground the object begins to dim its light, who turns out to be not a star but a child? Little girl... With blue/dark purple hair barefoot, and wearing only a plain white shirt above her knees and red eyes, she curled up while closing her eyes for a few moments then woke up in a sitting position with one hand placed in front of her mouth ( like the style of people who are coughing). She looked around with a confused expression.

ㅤ' i...?' She thought while continuing to pay attention if.
ㅤNot long after she finally got up and started walking down the place, hoping she would find someone who could help her, still maintaining her confused expression until finally she found a bunch of people who seemed to be talking about something excitedly, the girl chose to be silent watching them from that place. It didn't take long for them to notice your presence and walk towards you.

ㅤ"Hey little girl, why are you in such a dangerous place?" One of them asked

ㅤ"I... don't... know... why could I... be... here... " I replied stiffly because I was still confused.

ㅤ "Is that so... how about you come with us? We'll take care of you." One of them offered me

ㅤ"No need... I can... take care of... myself..." I answered them.

ㅤ"Hey come on, we'll take care of you, after all you don't know this place right? What if you're in danger later? Who will help you?" They said in a slightly forced tone.

ㅤ"I... don't want to... I can... take care of myself... you guys... don't need to.... worry..."

ㅤ I don't know if it's because these creatures have low patience or what, instead they pulled me by force into a closed vehicle, I was aware of that and immediately tried to rebel but was blocked by other people. And slowly I started to feel my subconscious start to disappear and suddenly everything went black.
ㅤ'Uhh...' When I opened my eyes I tried to move my hand to help my eyes adjust to my sight, but I couldn't because it seemed like my hand was being held by something. When my vision was normal I saw my body lying with my arms outstretched, but my hands and feet had been restrained with some kind of iron. I continued to look around and saw that I was in a closed room with a table full of injections beside me, I was so confused by the sight that I didn't notice that several people had entered the room

ㅤ"Hey look, she's awake, I think she'll sleep a little longer because of the effect of the drug."

ㅤ "Yeah me too, but this is better.."

ㅤ"Okay, let's start this experiment right away, hse looks like she'll be good."

ㅤI'm confused... I want to leave this place... but I can't do anything... I watched them start walking towards me and started taking the injections earlier, I could only see them weak.
ㅤOne of them started injecting something into me but it didn't react anything, instead of being disappointed they were really happy playing.

ㅤ"It's perfect!" They all exclaimed
ㅤAh this seems to be getting worse... They were getting ready to go back to inject another liquid, they kept doing that until finally the last injection was the worst effect.
ㅤWhen it was injected I felt my whole body hurt, my brain hurt so bad, it almost killed me... Many lines started to form on my face.

ㅤ In this way my consciousness started to disappear again, I saw them smile slyly before I finally lost my consciousness

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ㅤ In this way my consciousness started to disappear again, I saw them smile slyly before I finally lost my consciousness.
ㅤWith this I can conclude that I am being made an experiment by those crazy people, I seem to be continuing like this, if I don't run away then I will remain in this place until they are satisfied. Right now I feel like my consciousness is gathering a bit but if I want to get up it seems like it's only a few seconds, after that my consciousness will disappear again.
ㅤ I tried to open my eyes a little and saw that I was in a large tube with blue water mixed with green, I didn't feel anything even my body seemed to be floating, I saw several people in front of me who seemed to be analyzing something about me. And yeah my consciousness is disappearing again, hoping this will end soon.

ㅤ1,000 years...
ㅤ4,000 years...
ㅤ6,000 years...
ㅤ10,000 years...
ㅤI slept for 10,000 years after that incident. I don't know what happened when I fell asleep but what was clear when I woke up was different, I was in a forest which was quite dark because he was in the forest.
ㅤ "Where... where is this...? " I looked around, trying to digest what happened to me, was this all just a dream? But I can feel my body is quite sore, and it also seems that there is something strange about my eyes. I tried to stand up holding the trees around me as my tools, after I managed to stand up I walked with a slight limp because my left leg hurt 'Maybe it hurt? I don't know...' there was no sound except the sound of my feet walking while occasionally stepping on dry leaves or plant roots on the ground.

ㅤ'It's so dark... I'm having a hard time seeing...' I muttered while keeping my guard up, afraid that later if someone wanted to attack me... Because my current condition was unfavorable, yes but I'm also quite lucky because I have 'heal ’ to heal the wounds that are in my body.
ㅤI'm continuing to walk through the dark forest relying on my sharp eyesight for now, yes this really helps me anyway... My current condition is barefoot and only wearing the same clothes as before, but this seems to have been changed by someone because it looks more bigger than my previous clothes, to be honest this one feels more comfortable.
ㅤ I walked for quite a long time until I heard a group of people walking towards me, 'eh?' I immediately realized that I hid behind bushes and large trees, I also suppressed my presence so they would not know my current location. Sure enough, there were several people with sturdy bodies standing right where I was before, they were looking here and there to confirm something.

ㅤ"Are you sure he was here before?" One of them asked.

ㅤ"Yes... I just felt a huge presence coming from here, but suddenly it just disappeared." Said one of them.

ㅤ'What do they mean it's me, huh...?

Hiiii! This is the prologue from the beginning of this girl's journey. Sorry if there are words that are quite confusing huhu... I don't know whether someone will read this or not, I don't really care, okay, that's it for now, see you in the next chapter~


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