Prolog 03

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ㅤI'm still running in the middle of the flames, I really want to scream right now but I know it won't be useful so I just have to find the source of the problem from all this, soon I'll be in the center of the city which seems like the worst location. Sure enough when I got there everything was gone... My colleagues, my friends, my best friends... Everything I considered family here was gone.
ᅠI stopped for a while in the center of the city, looked at the corpse that was there, I didn't know I was feeling angry, disappointed, sad, disgusted, scared, devastated... All in one. 'I don't have much time for this! ' I ran again to find someone, yes our leader to check if he was okay.


ㅤ The sound of the royal main door being opened loudly by me, it seems that here it's the same as I was greeted by corpses scattered on the royal floor, I climbed the stairs so I could get to his room, but in the middle of the way I heard someone who seemed to be calling me.

ㅤ"Hey what are you doing here? You want to die too?"

ㅤI was a little surprised but still turned my body to see who called me earlier, I was surprised again but mixed with joy because I saw what was in front of me was... That leader! He's still alive! ㅤ "Ah thanks goodness you're still alive! Let's find the culprit behind all of this, that way we-" My words were cut off when he suddenly laughed. ㅤ'eh...? ' I looked confusedly at him whose laughter had died down, with a confused look and with wariness I asked him.

ㅤ"Ahaha... You don't realize that do you? ~ All this chaos, I have deceived you all..." He said it casually, I was a little flinched to hear it. I couldn't do anything at that time, my body you heard that statement earlier...
ㅤ"Ohh I remember! You don't know that do you? You guys are really stupid... But I didn't expect you guys to be that stupid to make my mission go so smoothly~" He said that with a smile and started walking towards me.
ㅤㅤ'no... no-.. I.. I can't just do this! I have to act something! '

Wush... Bruk...

ㅤI shot forward very quickly, until he was a little surprised by my appearance and yes it paid off, he took a few steps back due to my punch, he should still have to balance his body now so I attacked him again. I shot in front of him and smacked his chin, sending him flying backwards. I looked at him with my eyes that lit up [ my eye color changed slightly, my right eye is blue while my left eye is red. ]
ㅤHe laughed again and started to give off a huge aura, but it wasn't enough to make me shake mentally, I then released an aura that was as big as his aura, made the ground move and it looked like the building would be destroyed in a moment, and sure enough 1 second later the building it collapsed and hit us both. Luckily I was fine, and it didn't take long for me to fly straight from the ruins which this time the effect I produced seemed to be more severe, but I didn't care about that and focused on looking at the ruins from above the sky. This time I entered combat mode and with that my clothes have also changed [if you know Kiana Kaslana during HoV mode, yes her clothes are like that. ]

ㅤHe appeared behind me suddenly but I was still able to block his attack with my hand which I formed into X, he used his sword which I don't know where to get but luckily my hand wasn't injured because it was covered in iron. He continued to attack me making me have to back off a bit, "DIE!" he screamed at me like that then hit me with his hand with incredible strength, I ended up the furthest to a building and caused the building to collapse with a lot of dust. I hit the ground when the dust cleared because I was hit by something that was none other than Gideon-san [his name] I reflexively shot back in an unsteady state, when he threw thousands of small swords at me but I managed to dodge all of them quite easily , until finally he attacked me with a sword that was quite large and black and also dark red.
ㅤ He threw it at me and I avoided it by making it look like a black hole which I directed back to attack him [the weapon returned to Gideon through the hole] but when I checked Gideon was not there, when I looked up he was already there with his angry face and enormous aura, it seemed that this aura could make many people in other parts of the world feel that aura.

ㅤ"But... WHY DO YOU ALWAYS RUIN MY PLANS?!" A horn appears on his forehead and releases its power through it which makes the ground, sword, ruins just now rise into the air. "He's out of control..." I looked at him with an expression of shock mixed with wary.

ㅤ"No..I have to stop this!"

Yahoo! This chapter is full of brawls... How can you be satisfied with this chapter or not? Actually, I took more of this fight from a game [if you think about it, it's similar to the Fu hua (HoS) vs Kiana Kaslana scene, that's it].
That's all for this prologue chapter, I hope you like it.


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