Ch 01

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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ『𝗖𝗵 : 𝟬𝟭』
ㅤWarning : inaccurate language
ㅤㅤ━━━━━━━━━━ ⬩⬦⬩ ━━━━━━━━━━

ㅤI woke up from my long sleep because I felt an object constantly touching my cheek, ugh this is quite annoying but it can't be helped... I opened my eyes and saw a blue object in front of me.

ㅤ"uh... who?" I slightly opened my voice

ㅤ"Ah you're awake! I saw you here, I thought you fainted or something so I helped you." The blue thing said, I was sitting on the cave wall while looking around, 'this place has changed a bit...' after looking at it around I looked back at the blue thing.

ㅤ"What are you? I just saw a creature like you." I asked again.

ㅤ "Ah, I'm a slime! I also just found out before I found you." He said answering my question

Lil information :『 Here I will use 'he' to refer to that slime, you will know why later

ㅤ"Uh slime? Your shape is really weird, and you can talk too... Ah yes besides that, thanks for helping me."

ㅤ"Uhm! You're welcome, ah I wanted to ask if you don't mind."

ㅤ"Please." I answered giving permission, hearing that he took a breath [ wait, slime does breathe, huh? ]

ㅤ "Why are you in this cave, and sorry- you also look a bit messy, can I know the reason?" Asked the blue thing.

ᅠ I was silent for a moment and then answered the question. "I fell asleep here."
ㅤ"For about 300 years." I said briefly [ because indeed if I'm done in 'sleepy mode' I can't immediately adjust/use up too much energy, yes, for example like now. ] The slime looked slightly surprised by my words but regained its composure after a few moments.

ㅤ"If I could know, what race are you? You look like a human, but if you are actually a human then it would be very surprising. " He asked again.

ㅤ "I'm not human, just similar."

ㅤIt became a little awkward between us because it was also quiet, I really don't want to waste too much energy talking.
ㅤ"Sorry, I can't talk much right now." I apologized to him, because honestly I feel a little bit guilty.

ㅤ "Ehh why are you the one apologizing?"

ㅤI shrugged my shoulders with a little smile. He sighed again.

ㅤ "Then what's your name?" He asked me.

ㅤ"Name? I don't have a name."

ㅤ "Ehh?? Really? You've been living without a name for hundreds of years?"

ㅤ'eh but if I remember that I'm often called Ruby besides newcomers... So maybe. '

ㅤ"Eh?" The slime looked confused.

ㅤ"Ruby, you can call me Ruby." I decided to use the name Ruby as my name, yes I know this is quite confusing and unclear, but I'm also lazy to serve people who react the same as this slime when asked a question like that.

ㅤ"What about you, do you have a name?" I asked him back.

ㅤ"Etto, hehe... I don't have a name, because the explanation is quite long."

ㅤ"I don't mind if you want to tell it." I, who heard the answer from the slime, seemed to immediately understand that he wanted to tell his story so he could get here.
ㅤ"Ehem! Alright I'll tell you." After that he started to tell a long story.

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ㅤ "Uhh so you are actually a man who died from being stabbed, huh? But you reincarnated here as a slime and then finally met me." I shortened the story the slime had told me earlier, then I confirmed it again.

ㅤ'DON'T NEED TO BE SIGNED LIKE THAT THE PROBLEM "DIES"!! ' the slime screamed inside himself.

ㅤ"Yes that's true, and you are the first person I met here, I hope we can be friends." The slime said, 'yes because you were just here a few moments ago, even if I don't fall asleep here you at least get a friend . '

ㅤ"Yes, we have indeed been friends since the beginning. Since you told your story I already consider you a friend. I feel that as the first person you met, I deserve to be your friend." The slime who heard those words was shocked for a moment, but after that he got so excited to jump in there yesterday. I just sweatdropped looking at it.

ㅤ"Since we are friends now, would you like to follow me? First of all we will explore this cave, I have to develop my strength and it looks like you are too."

ㅤ'Did I seal my power too much? Yea, that's fine. But it seems that now I look like a weak creature, maybe my strength is only slightly different from this slime. Huft then, I will slowly unseal my power. ' I paused my thoughts then immediately replied to the slime's offer.

ㅤ"Of course, I'll come with you." After hearing that the slime jumped again with joy.

ㅤ 'As his friend I have to be useful to him, this time I won't lose anyone anymore! ' I smiled seeing the slime still hopping.

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ㅤA bit of info: Ruby hasn't given the slime any info about her past, just told her that she's been sleeping in that cave for 300 years. Starting from the next chapter, we will follow the flow of the anime, yes of course there will be some additional plots because of Ruby.

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