Prolog 02

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ㅤI keep paying attention to those who are also looking around, they carry lighting aids like lanterns so you can see them too.

ㅤ"Hahhh though it would be great if we found her..."

ㅤ "Yeah, what else can we do... If we try to catch her it won't really work either... We're also unprepared anyway..."

ㅤ"Yeah but what's wrong with trying first? Instead of her being caught first by many people later, remember she's also being targeted by hundreds of people..."

ㅤI kept paying attention to those who were talking while continuing to recover myself, 'what the hell are they talking about? which creature can try to be targeted by many people like that? what abilities does it have? what's valuable about it? ' I kept thinking like that until they left. I then checked my surroundings to make sure no one was around 'somehow I'm getting coward right now... my feeling is that I often challenge gods to fight... ' I snorted a little because I was a little annoyed with myself.
ㅤ'Okay I have to get out of this forest... Uhm! I don't know the name of this forest though... ' I started walking in the middle of the forest, until I had walked in the forest for about 1 week [of course I also rested! ] .

ㅤ"I feel like it's been 1 week since I was in this forest, it's so hard to find a way out!" Finally I stopped there, thinking of something. ㅤ'Is it okay if I use it? I'm also tired of being in this forest for 1 week... ' after that without thinking I immediately shot into the sky and it created a very strong wind, so it looked like quite a lot of trees had been blown away. I soared over the forest and headed for higher ground to see the forest from above. 'Uhh.. Quite bad it turns out..'
ㅤUhm! Yea, this damage caused quite a mess, a lot of trees were uprooted from their roots, quite strong winds were still happening under there and it was also involved like a puddle that was quite big but not deep was formed there. I sweatdropped seeing that, but I started to notice how wide the forest was, 'if I keep going until when will I get to the end?! ' yes this was a pretty good decision but also a pretty bad one.

ㅤ"Yea, I have to continue to get to the end!" I immediately shot over the forest, leaving behind the damage I had done earlier. I kept running until I finally arrived at the end of this forest and went down with my right foot hitting the ground first and followed by my left foot, 'pretty good' I thought while facing into the forest.
ㅤI turned my gaze forward then said "Nja, now what should I do... Can I just walk until I find someone...." I then walked in the middle of the night with a calming atmosphere, I took a deep breath then threw it away, I don't know if I'm currently where to go 'ehe~.


ㅤ It's been 1 month since I walked around this place and learned a lot about the creatures here, I also seem to be warmly welcomed by them because they are always friendly to me, I feel comfortable with them, where I am currently is known as 'Eulophirya' a country led by a leader who is kind, fair, friendly, honest, ah anyway he is very good!

ㅤ"Heyy newcomers! Come here! " Said several small children who were not far from me, hearing the order I immediately approached them. Oh yeah I'm called 'newcomer' because well I don't have a definite name yet (lol), I only have a nickname.

ㅤ"Okay okay~ ,,,, njaa what do you want to do, hmm?" "We will decorate your hair! / We will decorate your hair! " They said in unison.
ㅤI who heard that just snorted in amusement and let them do what they want, to be honest if my hair or other parts of my body were touched without permission I would get angry, but if it's them [children] then I can't do anything- what but surrender, hehe... I felt their little hands touching and arranging my hair according to their wishes, finally my hair was styled in a 'bow half up' style with the addition of a few flowers in my hair. I held my hair and chuckled a little, after that played with them for a bit then went somewhere.

............. Why is it like this again??


ㅤI ran in the middle of the fire outside the city, I just left the city a few days to do something, I immediately came back when I felt something was strange and I wanted to confirm it. And yeah, enough when I came back things had become like this... 'Please don't... I want to be happy for a bit...' I kept running towards the town I was going to, I immediately stopped when I saw several corpses of people who -I know, of course I know everyone here, because they are my family. ㅤㅤ'Aa-...' I couldn't say anything, my body was shaking, my breath and heart was getting faster, sweat was pouring out with my wide eyes seeing that. 'They... my friends... they...are... my friends... they...' After a while I then ran back accompanied by corpses everywhere, I kept running, feeling like crying , but that's impossible for me who's a monster... 'No...who's the mastermind? Why did he do this to them? They're innocent... I'm the one who's guilty for doing this... I shouldn't have family, friends, companions, partners or people that are precious to me...'

ㅤUntil it looks like my question has been answered, the mastermind is.... HE!!

Khufufu~ there are corpses in this prologue, yeah, this just adds to the feeling of feeling sad, 'ehe~
It looks like the next chapter has entered the battle section, so prepare yourselves!

Look forward to the next prologue chapter!


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