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14. You're in a turning point in life


Lydia sent me a message in the morning in instagram, since we don't have each other numbers. She asked that if I was okay, apparently the night I spent in Tommi's place made her worried. I said that I was fine, but flu is hitting me. The fever I had last night was finally gone, but I'm not fine yet.
It's a win for me that I no longer have that fever, now I have time to check over the whole basement and search for.. something.
It was noon and Gilbert left just a few minutes ago to downtown, he didn't really tell me what he was about to do there and how long.
I rolled the sleeves of my oversized flannel shirt up, and I was ready to find some clues.

But just when I was about to take a step towards Gilbert's stuff, I heard the doorbell ringing in the upstairs.
"I guess I'll do this later..." I quietly sighed by myself as I decided to rush the stairs up and find out who's behind the door.

And I got quite suprised when I saw a familiar blonde girl standing there. She had a soft smile on her lips.
"Hi." She greeted me a little shyly.

"Lydia.. hi. This is.. suprising." I smiled nervously. She kept smiling and then looked at me up and down, like she was observing. She's really nice, but I don't know her that well yet. Also she hasn't been with Tommi for a long time, so maybe deep inside me I hesitated at first. I remember Ruut and how she manipulated Joel and used him for her own needs, so I'm a little nervous even though I wouldn't want to be. Tommi really likes her and they get along well.
I moved aside so she could come in, and she did. She took her shoes off while I made my way towards the kitchen. Eevi was the only one home, she had some conference call, so she was on her and Olli's bedroom.

"You take anything?" I asked. Lydia's eyes wandered around and then she quickly turned to look at me.
"Tea." She nodded and then studied some photos on the wall. I decided to make tea for both of us.

I poured the water from the kettle to two mugs, and I took one jar from the cabinet where all the teas were. I placed the mugs and the jar to the kitchen table, and Lydia then calmly took a seat across from me.
Her fingers runned through all the teabags, and then she took one. I took the cinnamon one.
"So.. how are you really doing?" Her voice was mysterious. I let out a small chuckle as I put the teabag to the mug.
"I hate this flu.. but if I don't count that, I'm doing alright. What about you?" I asked. She smiled a little, but I could sense that she has something on her mind.

"I'm doing great. Everything is good with Tommi and my studies are progressing." She explained, sounding happy and excited. I wish I had that much to tell about how I'm doing.
"What are you studying?" I questioned. Then I moved my eyes up slowly from my mug to her necklace. It was a.. rose quartz I think. A crystal.
I don't know anything about those things, but it was pretty. I've heard though that all that crystal stuff and all have a deeper meaning. I decided to not pay attention to that any longer, it would be weird that I would be just staring at her necklace.

"Psychology. I'm also working at one small shop that sells everything that is related to spiritual things. For example crystals, scented candles, incenses, sound bowls..." She told me and I nodded.
"Does it sound silly?" She chuckled nervously. I frowned a bit and then shook my head.
"No! I think it sounds interesting. And you really seem to be a spiritual person. It's cool." I smiled and she started smiling too. She really seems to be much deeper person than I thought. But I was still interested by her necklace.

"How did you meet with Tommi? I see that he likes you very much." I questioned curious, and I saw how her cheeks started blushing.
"It actually sounds like how every love story starts in movies or something." She laughed and I started grinning. I got even more curious. She looked at me then and I raised my eyebrows, she hesitated first to tell. Then she placed her hands on her cheeks and giggled a bit, I see she's really in love with him.

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