7•Good Bad Guys

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I wake up with several pairs of arms wrapped around me. The weight of another person laying on top of me is one of the first things I notice. I'm in so much pain yet I'm so comfortable. I feel at ease and I don't want to open my eyes. When I do I will be met with the people I want to see least. My head feels foggy and my thoughts feel unlike my own. My brain thinks like I would but everything is off.

I want to cry or try to do something to make the undescribable feeling in my head leave. But I can't I'm still and my body feels at ease.  I can't feel anything and I feel something I've never felt before at the same time. I want to scream and cry but I want nothing more than to go back to bed.

But, I can't do anything so I lay in this big bed with practically strangers and the guy I fucked at work. Eventually, tears fall from my eyes and all physical pain leaves my body. I am aware of the wound on my neck but I do not feel its effects. It feels like I am swimming in an abyss of calmness. I didn't know my moods could switch like this but I don't seem to find it in me to care nor do I want to.

I let this feeling of calm overtake my body and this want of nothing fill my thoughts. Nothing matters not even me. I have never felt more alive yet I have never felt so dead. I think I might be happy with this calm high but I can't tell. I don't have a single thought for what could be seconds, minutes, or hours. Then I think I may be dead.

Then the calm leaves. I begin to want to leave and I have a slight headache. Most things below the waist hurt and I don't want to risk trying to get up.

"Morning sweetie," Rhea says in a tired sing-song voice. "morning Mommy" I reply I don't need to look to know she has a shit-eating grin on her face just from the fact I called her mommy again. "how did you sleep?" she says her arms tightening around me pulling me closer so my back is pressed against her front. "good I don't remember going to bed though," I say and she chuckles trying to not wake up the others.

I decide to not mention my strange experience with her or anyone here. I just go with whatever's happening and do as they ask.

" you passed out in the bathtub sweets" I hear Damian mutter in a deeper tired voice. "oh, morning Daddy," I say happily now I'm fully awake and ignoring everything that's happened already today. "morning pumpkin" he grumbles not as awake as me. I giggle at the feeling between my legs. "what are you laughing at?" he says playfully. "your voice is funny" I giggle. "you making fun of me?" he asks sounding less playful. "no, it's nice. I like it" I rest my head on his shoulder.

He places his hand on the side of my head and massages my scalp. Rhea and Damian share a happy loving look letting the realization that they have what's theirs now set in. "don't fall back, asleep baby" Rhea says rubbing my back and I whine in response burying my head further in Damian's shoulder.

"too much sleep will make you grumpy for the day" she reasons with me but I stay quiet and motionless. "if your grumpy you'll do things you don't mean and you'll have to be punished" Damian adds. I lift my head from his shoulder. "sorry Daddy, sorry Mommy" I apologize. "it's alright" "It's okay" they both accept it. "what's she apologizing for?" Finn says lifting his head. He squeezes me tight as he readjusts his position on top of my side.

"trying to fall back asleep," Rhea says. He nods his head and looks at the occupants of the bed. "am I the last one up?" he asks. "nah doms still sleeping." Rhea says. Finn sits up slightly and looks to his right where he can see Dom curled up against Damian.

He shakes Dom a bit before speaking. "you're the last one asleep get up" Dom groans tiredly in response. "you were asleep first dom dom get up" Rhea calls to him from the other side of the bed. Dom just groans louder and rolls onto his side facing away from everyone. "we'll pour water on you again" Finn says as Damian sits up to watch the scene unfold unintentionally taking me with him.

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