13 I Don't Want You

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"yes?" He replies. Oh God. Why did he wait till I was happy to want me again? I begin to try and push him off.  I push him onto the floor next to me but he's quick to sit up and stop me from getting free. He's grabbing at my wrists and I'm pulling away. "I'm trying to help you!" He yells trying to reason. "With what? I was happy!" I scream back at him.

"You might not understand now but you will soon" he say trying to pin me down. "Fuck you!" I yell continuing to try and fight him but I continue to fail. He begins to shush me and it does nothing. I manage to get my wrist free and land a punch to his chest but it's weak. I'm weak. I'm not going to win this fight. "Little bitch" he says delivering a punch to my chest to give me a taste of my own medicine. The wind is knocked out of me and stop trying to fight him as I lay on my back fighting for air.

"Don't ever fucking hit me again" he says sternly looking at me with wild eyes. I'm still trying to breathe so all I do is nod my head. We sit in silence as I catch my breath. He continues to stare at me barely blinking the whole time. Once I'm able to take deep breaths again I begin talking again. "Your a stupid motherfucker" I start and he laughs at me. "I was the happiest I had ever been. If you cared about anyone but yourself you would of left me there"

"I love you y/n" he says. "No you don't you-" "I have always l-" "shut the fuck up!" I scream at him effortlessly shutting him up. "Let me go dumb bitch!" I continue to scream my voice cracking. He staring at me blanking. I think he's finally starting to realize that what ever delusional story he made in his head will never be true.
I want to continue screaming at him but before I can I'm punched in the face knocking me out cold.

The sand underneath my feet is wet. I look to my right and the waves of the ocean are crashing back towards me. The crystal clear water splashes against my feet before retreating back. I begin to walk along this seemingly never ending beach. It's warm and the sun is shining directly above me. There's no clouds in the sky. I look down at the ground and notice a shell on the ground. I bend down and pick it up. I hold it up between by thumb and my finger to look at it.

The shell it covered in sand so I stop walking for a second to wash it off. The waves crash against my hand and I almost drop the shell. I hold it up again and get a better look at it. It's the shape of a rounded triangle and almost flat. The front of it is an off white color with darker lines on it. The back is purple at the top and mostly at the middle but it fades into pink near the end of the middle section before turning an off white again except for a pink patch at the bottom left corner.

I bring my arm down and begins admiring the sea. My finger tips glide over the smooth back of the shell absentmindedly. Then I notice something a short distance a head of me. It looks like a bridge to no where. (Google Adelaide jetty if you don't know what I'm talking about). I pick up the pace of my steps in order to get there quicker. There's a small sand slope leading up to it. I climb up the sand under my feet no longer hard and wet but soft and hot. It's much harder to walk on.

My left foot makes contact with the grey looking wood first. As my right foot makes contact with the wood I drop the shell. I look to the ground in hopes of finding it again but it's no where to be seen. I decide to continue walking instead of looking for it. I walk down the middle of it for a few seconds before vering off to the left to look at the water. My hand glides along the grey wooden railing. I stare at the water. I notice that I'm getting close to the end. The bridge abruptly stops and there's no railings covering the end. I continue walking at the same pace as I have no desire to be at the end any quicker.

Eventually I slow down as I near the end. I hold onto the side railing as I look over the edge the water more beautiful then ever. I grip the railing tight as I dangle my foot over the edge not sure if I want to jump in. My foot returns to the wood and I shake my head back up a step. I turn around to go back to the beach but I am met with a figure I don't recognize. I don't have time to question them as the place their hands on my shoulders and push me backwards into the ocean.

To my horror when I hit the water I begin to burn all over. Not the kind of burning you get when you belly flop onto water the kink you imagine when you think of being submerged in acid. My eye close or I think they do either way everything is black. Then the burning from my body moves to just my chest and throat.

I wake up fully from my nightmare in someones arms. I coughing up copious amounts of salt water onto the wooden floor underneath me. "Are you okay sweetie?" I hear Rhea say above me. I continue to cough and  desperately try to catch my breath. Once the waters out of me I take a deep breath in and roll onto my back laying in Rheas lap. "I'm okay mommy" I say my eyes adjusting to the darkness of the night to look at her.

My hand reaches up to the side of my head a sharp pain shoot through it. When I pull my hand away I see blood. "Don't panic it's a small cut head wounds just bleed a lot" Rhea says. I hear yelling coming from the beach. When I sit up to look I can faintly see Damian and Finn standing over what looks like Edge and Dom standing off to the side.

Thanks for reading love ya💋-gremlin

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