12 Help Please

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When I wake I am nowhere near where I want to be. I try to peel myself off of the concrete floor but I can't. The ropes around my wrists are tight. I look around and see no one. I want to scream but I know it will not be my mommy or daddies that will show.

I have been stolen from my bed. Unless there is another room in our basement I haven't seen and they're having fun? No. They wouldn't leave. They'd wait for me to wake up and they aren't here.

This isn't my home I have been stolen. If I ever want to get home I better find a way out. It might still be night. I might have had a full night's sleep and it's morning. My mommy and daddies might be getting breakfast ready and not know I am gone. They might've checked on me during the night and found me gone.

They might think I ran.
They might be searching right now. They might just find a new girl. Whatever they are doing doesn't matter. They might be close to finding me already. They might never find me.

I have to stop thinking about them and crying. I must get out. The rope on my right wrist feels weaker than the left. It's only a slight difference but it's there. I begin to wiggle my right arm and try to free it. The knots are still tight and it burns.

I can feel my skin peeling from the roughness of the rope. I have to ignore it. I'm getting closer. The knots are loosening and the pain is worsening. Finally, after a hard struggle, I have freed myself. Well, one arm.

I slip the loose rope off of my arm and reach over to my other arm. I begin to tug at the rope. I struggle with the tight knots for minutes on end. I have made no progress and I have never been more frustrated. My concentration begins to slip.

I'm not getting out. No one has come. Whether I am speaking of my kidnappers or my loves it does not matter. My kidnappers may leave me to starve. Even if my loves were looking for me they may never find me.

I lay still and let my tears fall. Again, I've been kidnapped and I pray to god I do not fall for my kidnappers this time. I hear footsteps approaching. My heart starts to pound. More tears fall and I stop myself from sobbing. Don't make them mad.

I don't want to die. Maybe it will be quick. Clearly, these kidnappers didn't stalk me. They would have been too horrified to take me away if they found out I had only been taken from my true life a few weeks ago. Maybe it has been months. I'm not sure but, I'll think of anything other than whoever is headed my way.

I hear the door knob twist and I close my eyes. I don't want to see what kills me. I will die happily if I don't know how beforehand. If they have a knife I don't want to see it. If they have a gun I don't want to see it. I don't want to see them.

The door creaks and a sob wracks through my body. Footsteps walk towards me. Instead of a gun to my head, a knife to my neck, or hands around my throat I get something unexpected.

A hug. This isn't the hug of my loves though. I know how they feel and how they hug. This isn't it. Whoever's hugging me begins to hush me. That's not them. I'm sure now. Though I let them hug me. I say the most insulting things in my head.

I refuse to find comfort in this person. I sob harder and he doesn't let go. They shush me more. I want to cry more to disobey them. I hear a man's voice tell me it's alright. I almost don't recognize it. He sounds mad. Not angry mad. Crazy mad.

I want to ask if it's him. I try to speak and the words get caught in my throat. I have to stop crying. I open my eyes by accident and see he's wearing a mask. I have to stop crying or I may never know. I take the deepest breaths I can between sobs. My sobs begin to quiet down. I breathe shakily. Tears continue to blur my vision.

The tears on my face begin to dry. No more fall. I give myself a small pep talk in my head before speaking.

Thanks for reading love ya-gremlin💞💋💗

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