Ready for simple

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" Remember Harbor Boulevard?

The dreaming days where the mess was made."

In Ron's office

 " I'm glad you've come along to this restaurant, it's literally  the best restaurant I've ever been to!" Chris exclaimed, cheerfully, but his eyes didn't match his enthusiasm, it's like you're smiling at yourself in the mirror, but the person you're looking at is moping instead.

I'm only doing this because you're clearly in a bad mood, you've been this way for a while now, Ron thought while he stared annoyingly at the taller man, I have no interest in eating your dumb vegetarian non-sense. Chris led the way outside the office, smiling, waiting for Ron to follow.

In Ann's house

  " I can't believe you're finally  dating Ben!" She really emphasized the word finally, wich made sense, because I've been ranting to her about the fact that we couldn't date for a while now. Still, it surprised me to see how excited she was.

  " After so long, things are finally setting into place." Leslie said, smiling, not as confidently as Ann, but smiling nevertheless. " How has your love life been lately?"

  "Me? It's fine I guess... I've been meeting a bunch of different men, some cool, others not so much. It's still better then being with energy-man" she smirked, and I knew exactly who she reffered to. 

  " You're way too introverted to be with someone like that. " 

  " Exactly. I want a relationship like yours and Ben's, relaxed, sweet and normal. "

  "You're making us sound like an old, married couple."

  " That's a good thing, trust me."

   Leslie rolled her eyes but didn't mention anything else about their relationship. She knew Ann was both right and wrong: Yes, her and Ben got along perfectly and had similar habits, but they were still exciting. I mean, they literally just got toghether. It's gonna be super fun.

   The next day

     " T-Dawg's  got a date ya'll!!!!!" Tom entered the parks department screaming, knocking papers off the desks. 

  " How did you manage to do that? You promised her you'll give her your skin care routine?" Leslie slammed in return, smirking at the dark haired man. 

  " That's not the roast you think it is. My skin looks a-ma-zing everyday. But no, I'm just that awesome. "

  " Because you managed to get one date? I bet she's like 60 and fat and bald." 

  " I would never! She is a total bomb-shell!"

  " Show me or she isn't real."

  " No problemo! I wanted to show off anyways!" He turned on his phone, and looked trough his messages. He clicked on a photo and showed it to Leslie. It was freaking Joan Calamezzo, the TV show host. " Ta- da!!!"

   " What the hell??? She's married you dumbass!"

  " So wuuut? She wants to meet up. That's the important thing."

  "Not when she's married!" Leslie covers her face with her hands and sighs. Why does she even try at this point?  "You are not going to see her."

  " It's not your place to tell me what to do. Mind your own damn boyfriend!"

   She looked at him shocked for a bit, people didn't usually tell her off like this. Or at least the close ones didn't. It didn't matter, what he was doing was wrong and she needed to stop him.

  " It doesn't matter, what you're doing is wrong, and I will stop it."

  " You don't even know where we're going"

  Damn. He had a point.

  " It doesn't matter. I'll find you." 

  He smirked in disbelief, his black eyes sparkling in that way only black eyes can, and his face got close to Leslie's for a second, until he turned away to his office. 

  " We'll see about that."

Things Frenemies Do / A Tom X Leslie StoryWhere stories live. Discover now