Coffee date

14 0 0

" Baby you and I

Can't seem to get you off my mind"

  Coffee shop

    Ben held Leslie's hand in his, while they sat at their table, waiting for the coffee to arrive. The caffe  was a beautiful place, white and light brown walls covered in vintage posters of singers, such as Elvis Presley and ABBA. The place smelled like fresh coffee and pastry, wich Leslie loved, because it made her feel warm and relaxed. Leslie wasn't used to being very relaxed, her usual routine consisting of constant work and stress, this almost felt uncanny. Almost, because Ben was there to take her back into the moment.

   " Have you heard about the National Parks Division event next month?"

   " Of course I have! I finally have the opportunity to go!"

   " Yeah, you and Tom are the ones going, according to Chris."

   " 7 days alone with that prick? Oh well..."

   " So I don't have to worry about that, huh?"

   " What do you mean?"

   " It's kind of weird for me as your boyfriend to see you go with another guy for a whole week."

   " Hah! Don't worry about it. Tom isn't "some guy", he's Tom. He couldn't possibly land me if it was his dying wish. We're just friends. "

    Ben smiled in relief. " Alright, then." 

   The waitress came with the two cappuccinos we ordered, and a stack of pancakes for Leslie. She poured in a mountain of whipped cream and started eating them.

   " How are you even gonna taste the sugar in the coffee with all that?"

   " A woman finds a way."

   He chuckled at the mountain of whipped cream in front of him and started digging into his coffee.


 In the parks department 

  " Whaat? We're going to a party? That's awesome!" Tom exclaimed.

 " It's not  a party! It's an important event, where we meet all the other Parks Departments in our country." muttered Leslie annoyingly.

  " Oh, so it's like a lame dinner party with old people, got it."

  " Whatever, it's in a month anyways, so if you don't wanna go I can take someone else."

  " Nah, T-Dawg's in! I can't let boring you give our department a bad rep, after how much I've worked to make it cool." 

  " Now you make me not want to take you."

  " Nooo nono I meant, you're the coolest of all! Seriously, your pant suits are definetly not bought at Walmart, they're super cool!"

  " Whatever, just don't do anything too... you."

  " What is that supposed to mean?!"

   Leslie smirked and winked at him jokingly, turning around " You know what it means."

  Tom watched her go into her office, smirking in return. Her golden locks shun in the sunlight, as she sat down, opening up her laptop. His smirk turned into a smile.


    Evening sunset was forming on the still-blue sky. Chris stood on the rooftop of his work building, looking at the beautiful blue-lilac-orange colors forming in the sky with his beautiful blue eyes. The wind was ruffling his dark golden hair. He felt a familiar presence crawl behind him. He turned around, smiling knowingly.

Things Frenemies Do / A Tom X Leslie StoryWhere stories live. Discover now