Chapter 26

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Rohit's POV

I snuggle into my pillow very tightly and is smell so good.

But my neck is feeling very warm and soft at the same time.

I slowly open my eyes and saw that my surrounding is a bit different.

Then I saw a head below my chin. Soon I realised that it's Jaanvi and even yesterday night.

I found my hands are on her bare waist as her T shirt raised up.

Her skin is so soft man but being a good boy, I adjust her t shirt and pull it down.

And about warm thing on my neck. The. It's her lips. In the morning itself my heartbeats are playing with me.

"Jaanvi" I whisper but she hugs me more tightly.

I have to get up from here before anyone knocks or come in the room.

"Jaanvi wake up" I pat on her shoulder

"mmm let me sleep" she mumbled and i get tickles

I control myself closing me eyes.

"Jaanvi please"

"Rohit let me sleep" she mumbled

"Okay just leave me and you sleep"

"Don't irritate me Rohit" She said

I sigh and pat on her shoulders again "please wake up Jaanvi"

"Arghh" she growled and then she....she Bites my neck very hard

"Aaaaaahhhh ssss Jaanvi" I shout and she pushed me and sat with a frustrated face and I held my neck rubbing it.

"Are you mad?" I shout "aaahh" rubbing my neck

"No, You are, why were you waking me up? I was sleeping so peacefully"

"I have to go on my duty"

"I know, so you could have just move me away from me lightly without calling my name and" she pat her shoulder "patting me ! My sleep is precious"

I shook my head "why did you bite me so hard?"

"Woh you irritated me"

"Now you are irritating me! Should I bite you also like this?" I shout back

"It's just a bite nothing much. Don't over react" she said getting down

"Over reacting? I am over reacting?" i got up and moved towards her

"Yes ! Even yesterday night you disturbed my sleep" she said "and please don't frustrate me" she gets in the washroom and closed the door on my face.

I frown and I came out in anger rubbing my neck.

When I began to walk towards my room Dad stopped me "Rohit"

My eyes bulge out. Shit.

"From where are you coming?" He asked behind me

"Aa umm terrace Dad" I haven't turned around yet

"Terrace? I am coming from terrace !"

I close my eyes tightly .

I chuckle a bit "aree I didn't go there na Dad, I was going to go but then I forgot that I have to make a phone call so I turned around to go back"

"Hmm but why aren't you looking at me and why is your hand on your neck?" He asked

I gulp.

"Hehehe Dad, woh" I rub my neck "It's itching in here, so I was just rubbing"

"Did an insect bite you? Show me, I will tell"

No no no.

"Aah Dad I have to make an urgent phone call or else my job will be in trouble" I turn away from there quickly to my room.

I close the door and take deep breath in relief.

"I am safe now"

I go and stand in front of the mirror to look at my neck.

Her teeth prints are there as well as it has gone red.

It women is a witch. I touch my neck and hiss.

I take my uniform and go to take a bath.


How to hide this mark?

Even the collar is not able to hide it. I keep my hand on my waist and think.

What should I do?

Rubbing my forehead, an idea clicked me.

I take three bandage and paste it on the mark.

It's hickey ! Said my heart

No ! I said

Oh yes sorry it's a love bite - my heart teased

Shut up.

After pasting the bandage, looking very awkward but I can't show it to anyone either so embarrassment accepted.

I go down and pull my collar a bit up.

Mom smiles looking at me and Dad is having breakfast.

"Come Rohit the breakfast isssssss" she paused and looked at me carefully. Umm I mean neck "what happened on your neck?"

Even Dad looks at me and then I saw Jaanvi coming from the kitchen with a glass of milk.

When she saw me and my neck, she immediately kept her hand over her mouth controlling her laugh. I glare at her and she takes a seat.

Then instead of me Dad answered "his neck was itching as some insect bite him"

My eyes go wide while Jaanvi began to cough vigorously and then after composing herself she began to laugh like a mad person.

I control my anger.

"Mom I am hungry" I said and sat on my chair glaring at Jaanvi who is controlling her laugh.

I take a paratha and then mom asks "Rohit where you in the morning? I saw her room was open. You were not even in the washroom"

I look at Jaanvi and then she says "why are looking at me? Answer mummy ji, where were you last night" She said controlling her laugh again

I take a deep breath "Mom I was in the kitchen maybe at that time"

"But after your room I did go there but you where no even there"

"Maybe I went to the mandir"

Then Jaanvi says "what do you mean by maybe? Are you not sure?"

My frown deepened "mom please let me eat. I am very...stressed already!"

"Okay beta fine, relax"

After having breakfast I got up and went in my room to take my phone and file.

I was keeping them in my pocket when someone closed the door.

I turned around and saw Jaanvi coming towards me smiling.

God now what does she want?


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