Chapter 28

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Jaanvi's POV

I got up finally after completing 2 chapters and said "I would like to go and sit in the sun mummy ji, would you join?"

"No, I am going out to my friend's house" she said

"Oh, I would be alone in here?"

"No, Rohit would be coming early so you both would be here"

I nod

"Hmm I will just go and get bathed first"

I go pick up a long skirt and a cute t shirt.

Should I wash my hairs today or not?

I washed them 2 days ago. I touch my hairs and then look at the weather.

It's bright, so I think I should !

Today I will bath with my rose body wash. I just love it's smell.

And like this I jump slightly in happiness with my clothes not caring that some of my clothes fell on the floor.

I was going to get in the washroom but then I remembered that the tap got jammed of my washroom and the mechanic will come in the evening!

Where should I go then?

I smile "let's fill Rohit's washroom with fragrance!" I grin and march to his room.

You know I really made him upset but I will take care that he doesn't get annoyed because of my stupid thing's, I just want god to help me in this.

He is the only person whom I want to keep happy always.

I keep my clothes near the space beside the sink and dump my clothes in the bucket of water to get them soaked properly.

I fill the tub with water and I began my bathing.

Rohit's POV

I ring the bell of my house but no one is opening it.

I think she went to some aunty but Jaanvi must be in the house right? Why isn't she opening the door? I have to apologise to her for being so rude. I want to make her feel comfortable with me.

She must be watching TV !

I shook my head and open the gate with spare key's.

I get in the house and frown. No one is there watching TV.

"Mom ! Jaanvi" I call out.

But no one responded.

I take quick steps at Jaanvi's room and knock it.


I knock again and it was open.

I open it fully and it was empty. I get in "Jaanvi" still no response.

When there was no answer at all, I turned to go but something came below my feets.

It was a cute pink shirt. I picked it up and then I saw.....A pink Bra as well.

I felt hot all of a sudden cause I kind a imagined her in just that !

Shit !

I throw her shirt on the bed and walk in fast speed to my room.

I open the door immediately of my room and locked it.

I leaned on the door and gulped closing my eyes.

Then I open my eyes and my breath hitched.


Because Jaanvi is Standing in front of me, in just long skirt in wet hairs and upper body today naked. Nothing up, like what should I say.

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