♧♧ Kim Taehyung ♧♧

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The house was swiped up with the mouth watering essence of the delicacies that were been prepared. Yn was busy in her cooking, humming a song which came to her mind. She was extremely happy and excited for tonight as it was their third wedding anniversary.

Taehyung wanted to go for a good dinner at a well known restaurant, but Yn had some different plans. She convinced him to be home early from work and then they could celebrate their anniversary at home. Just the two of them, no more interference.

It was almost 6.30 and most of the preparations were down. After icing the cake, she placed it in the refrigerator for the frosting to set properly. Taehyung had informed her earlier that he would be down my 7.30pm

"One hour left.. I should better get ready" she mummered to herself and got to the bath, submerging herself in the tub, she sighed in relief. Yn was working the whole day, from cooking to baking, decorating the house, as everything was a surprise planned for her husband.

The bathroom was consumed in the subtle fragrance of the bath oils and the floral essence of her shampoo. Yn took a whole one hour in the bath.

Stepping out, she patted herself dry and put on the most sexiest dress in her closet, which she purchased a while ago, just for today. The blood red dress, with the shimmering of diamonds. The knots over the shoulder, while the chick hot fabric ended half way to her thighs and hugged her figure, showing of her curves elegantly.

Curling he hair to add up with the outfit, along with the make to enhance her beauty. Yn was ready just on time.

Hurrying to the kitchen, she took out the cake and set it on the dinning table. Along with a champagne bottle and the starters. It was almost time and Yn was waiting for her husband to arrive.

Pulling a chair she sat along the dinning table, her eyes glued on the ticking clock. She tried calling Taehyung a couple times but there wasn't any answer. This made her anxious. Soon the clock striked 8.30, one hour passed in a wink.

Sitting there, all dolled up, Yn's cellphone popped with a notification. She hurriedly clicked open, to find a text from her husband.

Sorry honey, urgent meeting.
Will be late..!

The little text just doomed her mood, in annoyance she put of the food back in the refrigerator and covered the cake before walking to her bedroom. Grabbing her night suit, she wrapped it around herself and knotted those pretty curls into a bun.

There was nothing else she could do to show how angry that one text had made her. For now it had become very common for Taehyung to bail on her. Its not that, he didn't love her anymore. It was because, recently Taehyung was promoted to an important position at work.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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