Chapter 03

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"Good Morning Khushi, are you ready?"

"Good Morning Anjali Di, yes. I am. Is Payal Bhabhi ready?"

"Yes, she will come down soon. I have called Mohan. He is stuck in the traffic but will be here soon. Where do you guys going first?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you Di, Payal Bhabhi has already arranged my registration with Delhi University. So we don't need to go anywhere else"

"Really? When?"

"Ram Prakash Ji bought the letter from the Dean last night with the cloth Payal Bhabhi sent"

"Oh, that's nice of her. I didn't know she had connections at Delhi University. I was thinking of asking Arnav to maybe give a recommendation letter as it is his alma mater. That's why she suggested we should talk to your friend Lavanya about Delhi Uni" 

A sudden shock hit though Khushi. Ram Prakash said he found this letter by her door and he assumed it was with the pile of clothes. 

"Could it be? No, no, he doesn't even know me or met me. As much as I heard, he hates me so why would he? It has to be Payal Bhabhi, please god, please make sure it's her"

Khushi started praying in her mind when Payal came down. 

"Wow, Di, look at our girl. She looks like an angel"

Payal and Anjali admired Khushi's beauty. For the last 7 months, they have seen her in simple kurtas or suits always covering her face with the dupatta. They exactly knew why she covered her face. She didn't want anyone to see the slap marks. 

Anjali knew he dead brother was an animal and she is glad she is finally doing something for Khushi after all this time. 

Khushi chose to wear her own clothes today. She didn't feel comfortable wearing jeans and t-shirts this soon. What Khushi thought was to go and look and the environment first then see how she can adjust. Therefore, today she chose to wear a simple light pink cotton salwar suit. No makeup, loose hair, and the only jewelry was her nose pin. 

"Payal, Khushi tells me you have managed to get her to a college?"

"Oh yes Di, sorry I forgot to inform you. I talked to one of my friends last night and she helped me. So I thought we should go there first and see if Khushi likes it there. After that, we can decide if we want to go to another college"

As soon as Khushi heard Payal she was relieved. Now she does not have to talk to him to say thank you. She should avoid him as much as she can. Unfortunately for Khushi, god had some other plans. 

"Good Morning Di, morning Payal Bhabhi, and Morni....."

That was all Arnav could complete. Arnav came down to go to the office and he only saw Anjali and Payal first. As soon as his eyes saw Khushi his words started sinking back. 

The dictionary definition of beauty and innocence stood in front of him. His eyes moved top to bottom then bottom to top. He knew he has to stop staring at her like this but it was too late. His heart already got a doze of it and now it wants more. Arnav's chain of fascination was broken by Anjali's voice.

"Good Morning Arnav. It's good you are here. Finally, I can introduce you to Khushi. Khushi, come here, I will introduce you to my little brother, or as we used to call him Ravan 2.0"

"Shut up Di. I am getting late. I don't have any time for this meet and greet. Hi, nice to meet you, and bye"


"Di, I told you I am getting late"

"Arnav, Akash is already there. So a few minute delay will not cause you a loss of a billion. Come here, talk to Khushi. It's her first at college"

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