Chapter 18

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Arnav pressed his lips on her forehead and Khushi closed her eyes cherishing every moment of it. She doesn't know when or if she can feel this again so she wanted to cherish it as much as she can.

"Khushi, was this the reason you waited for me to come home?"

She looked down and node yes.

"Why did you want to spend the last few hours of your birthday with me?"

"I don't know"

"Khushi, look at me"

But Khushi kept on looking down. Arnav took her chin and turned it up making her face him.

"Answer me, Khushi"

"I don't know"

He saw the innocence in her face and her eyes were glowing. He knew he can spend every second of his life just by looking at her eyes. Those eyes were saying so much.


Khushi looked confused by his statement.


"I also wanted you to spend the last few hours of your birthday with me. But I got stuck at work. I came home as soon as I can"

"You came, that's what matters"

They both looked into each other's eyes and it felt like time has stopped.

Arnav finally realized the reason behind his sleepless nights. It's Khushi. She has invaded his life as no one has ever done. She has become the reason for him to wake up in the morning, she has become his reason to dream, his reason to smile, and his reason to enjoy life.

He came back to India thinking of going back after a few months but she is the reason behind his resignation from his USA job. Each time he thought of going back, Khushi's image came in front of him.

He knew they were way past the friend zone. But today he realized he has started falling for her. His life will be incomplete without her. But he needs to give her time to heal and he also needs to make sure that he is ready for a commitment. She can't afford another heartbreak and he didn't want either of them to compromise because of each other.

Only if they have someone who can tell them that they are both in the same situation and they both have started falling for each other.

A sound from Arnav's phone bought both of them back to reality and they broke their eye lock. Arnav looked at his phone and saw it was his sleep time alert.

"I should go now. It's late"

"Good Night Khushi"

"Good Night Arnav and thank you for all this"

He smiled at her and she left his room.

"Damn Arnav, you are going to have a hard time controlling yourself around her"

Thought Arnav looking at Khushi who was now almost inside her room. She turned one last time and smiled at him before closing the door.

"Khushi, control yourself. Just because you have feelings for him doesn't mean you can walk around expressing them. Keep it for yourself because he deserves someone better than you"

This was the last thought Khushi had before going to sleep.

A few weeks passed after the birthday night. Anjali was busy building up her case against Shyam and she was planning on exposing him as soon as possible.

Arnav and Akash were busy at work. Arnav told Akash the truth about Shyam and they both were busy separating their business from Shyam without making it obvious to Shyam. They knew what Anjali was planning and didn't want to jeopardize her plans.

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