Chapter 27

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Khushi woke up to a new day. For the first time in her life, she felt relieved, happy, and stress-free. Finally, she has control over her life.

Khushi never thought taking a decision about her life by herself would make such a big difference.

Khushi turned around and hugged Lavanya tightly and kissed her cheek.

"Khushi! Stop what you are doing. I am not Arnav"


"I said I am not Arnav. So stop kissing me like that"

"I know you are not Arnav. Because this is my room, my bed. Obviously, he can't be here"



"He can't be here or you can't be there yet. It's just a matter of time, Khushi"

"As I said, you clearly need help, Lavanya. Come on wake up"

"Khushi it's only 9 in the morning and we have no classes today. So let me sleep"

"But but it's a new day Lavanya"

"I know that Khushi. Please few more minutes and I'll be up. I need to pack my stuff as well"

"You are leaving today?"

"Now that your knight in Shining Armour is back, I am sure my presence is not needed. Also, I feel like I will be your third wheel if I stay"

"That's true. Well, you can still move to the guest room"

"The world has forgotten what good deeds are. I know when to leave where I am not needed"

"Ok Drama queen, I am going to have a shower"

Khushi took a nice shower and walked into her wardrobe. On one side she has all white and white shades. On the other side, she has other colors.

"Khushi, you black and white days are over now. It's time to fill your life with colors"

She choose to wear a light green shaded Kurta. Styled her hair in a semi bun and walked to the kitchen to make tea for herself and Lavanya.

Anjali and Arnav were having breakfast when they saw Khushi walking toward the kitchen. Anjali felt happy seeing Khushi in this avatar and Arnav felt proud because he knew she did this for him.

She no longer is the widowed wife of his late brother. She is his love, she is his life and she is his Khushi (happiness). No one or nothing can take that away from her now.

Arnav took a mental note to talk to Anjali about the two of them. He would have done that last night but somewhere he felt it was not the time.

Anjali let go of Shyam a while back and she detached herself from that relationship long ago. However, it was her husband who good kicked out, it was her life opened in front of the whole family like that. So after all that saying her about him and Khushi didn't feel right.

"Khushi, join us for breakfast"

"Di, I am going to make tea for Lavanya and myself"

"I'll ask the kitchen help to do that and someone will take Lavanya's tea for her. Come here. It has been months since you and I had breakfast together"

Khushi couldn't so no to Anjali so she walked toward the dining table and sat opposite Arnav and started serving herself.

Arnav was in the mode to irritate Khushi. This has been his favorite game lately. He moved his leg toward her and kicked her startling Khushi.

"Khushi, are you ok?"

"Yes, Di. I was just settling on the chair"

Saying that Khushi gave Arnav a frown and Arnav smirked at her in return.

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