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"Arnav, have you seen the newspaper today?"

"No bhai, I was busy wrapping up all my work this week. Since I will be away for two weeks I didn't want to leave extra work for you"

"Here, have a read"

State vs Shyam Jha and Javed Sinha

Eight months ago we have reported how the popular industrialist Mr. Shyam Jha faked his own death with the help of his business associate/the casino king Mr. Javed Sinha to hide the criminal activities they did. After a successful cover operation, both Mr. Shyam and Mr. Javed were arrested at Raizada house. The same house once used to be Mr. Jha's residence.

His long list of crimes is not limited to faking his own death, cheating on his wife, money laundering, planning murders, and rape planning. During these eight months, the crime branch has managed to draft a ten-page-long report of his crimes.

However, his associate Mr. Javed has been in the prison for the crimes he did as he plead guilty on the first day of the case hearing. He was then sentenced to life imprisonment with chances of parole.

The case is not so smooth for Mr. Shyam however. His violent nature, his abusive behavior, and his constant threats to kill the Raizada family have put him inside the psychiatric ward for five months for close observation. Despite initially turning the case in his favor by avoiding prison, Shyam's psych evaluation came clean. This helped the court to dismiss the charges his lawyer made about his mental disability.

After a three-month-long hearing, the court finally found Mr. Jha guilty of all the above-listed crimes and five other crimes. Yesterday morning Mr. Jha was sentenced to life imprisonment with no chance of parole, unlike his partner in crime.

Arnav was relieved after reading the newspaper article. Each time the case dragged on or was postponed, he got worried. But finally, they can let go of this whole thing behind.

"Did you tell others bhai?"

"Not others but I did tell Payal though. Remember what I had to go through for hiding our plans from her?"

"Bhabhi was so scary bhai"

"And with her pregnancy hormones, I am glad she didn't kill me. I am still paying for it. She won't leave a chance to throw a tantrum at me. So I made sure to share this news as soon as I saw it"

"Trying to earn brownie points are we?"

"Don't be so happy my dear brother. You just got married. When the honeymoon period is over, you will also be in the same line as the rest of us trying to earn brownie points"

Arnav couldn't believe it has been almost two weeks since he and Khushi got married. They had a simple but elegant wedding ceremony. Everything happened the way Khushi wanted. Arnav wanted to give Khushi her dream wedding. She planned everything to the point and Arnav couldn't have expected a better ceremony than that.

Khushi finished her course with flying colors. They got married three months after her graduation. Arnav helped her to find an entry-level position at a multinational company soon after her graduation. Even though the hiring manager offered her a management position, she wanted to start from the bottom.

Khushi bought Arnav's wedding ring with her own money which she saved from her salary and that meant a lot to Arnav. He saw how she is growing slowly to be independent and that made him proud of her.

His mind went back to the day he figured all this out. The day he realized he cannot live without this girl. If not for that USA trip he took, they both could still be struggling to understand their feelings.

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