Chapter 35

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"Oh my god Khushi, I can't believe he did that"

"I know, I was not expecting that at all. I mean, we were there having dinner, and suddenly out of nowhere he popped the question"

"Tell me more"

"He twisted the question so much before coming to the point. By the time he asked the actual question I was speechless already"


"Don't Aww me. He took me off guard"

"Yet he did ask you to marry him"

"Yes, that he did"

"Did you guys talk about a marriage date?"

"He wants me to finish my studies first and focus on my career. So he does not want to rush the wedding. He wants me to be comfortable first"

"You have found a perfect man Khushi"

"Lavanya, I can't tell you how happy I am. I am trying to act all it's not a big deal in front of him but I am so excited"

"Show him how excited you are Khushi. It will make him feel better"

"No, then he'll think I am desperate to marry him"

"Aren't you though?"

"I know that you know that but he doesn't have to know that. I have a reputation to maintain you know"

"Believe me, you two are a match made in heaven. You both have egos bigger than your heads. The only difference is when it comes to you, his ego takes a back seat whereas your ego comes out when it comes to him"

"Why do I feel like that was an insult to me and an appreciation to him?"

"Take it the way you want it Khushi but that's the truth"

"What are you trying to say, Lavanya?"

"Please don't get me wrong or I am not taking his side. But think, this is also new for him as same as this is new for you"

"I know that"

"But you don't act like that. You think this is special for you because of what you had gone through, and I agree. But you can't use that as a defense mechanism all the time. You have to give in as well"

"I am not sure what are you trying to say, Lavanya"

"See, Arnav always thinks about you first, he wants you happy, he wants you safe and successful. He puts you first then the rest. But you are always he didn't tell me this, he kept me out of this, he didn't support me in this. You always put yourself first which is ok. Self-love is the best love. But if the other person is giving his 200%, you should at least give your 100% right?"

Khushi never thought of it in that way. Whatever goes wrong she always tried to be the person who is hurt. Lavanya is right, whatever happened in life has now become her answer to everything.

When Arnav left the country, she never said it was fine you needed some time away to clear your mind, instead, she used her life's struggles to make him feel guilty. When Arnav kept her out of the plan for her own safety, she never thanked him. Instead, she said this long monologue about how her life hurt her and how he is on top of it.

When she doesn't share anything with him, it's fine. It's for his own good. But when he doesn't share anything with her, the same old you know what I have gone through in my life comes out.

Not once Arnav said anything to her or said she should stop using that as an excuse all the time. Instead, he always took the blame. Khushi felt bad. She realized no one is to be blamed more than herself for her life's worries. Instead of letting go of them and starting fresh, she is keeping them on the side as a defense mechanism.

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