Chapter 23

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Shyam came home after a week-long business trip. Anjali felt her freedom has ended but for the sake of her own future, she acted as if she was happy to see him.

"Oh I missed you so much, Shyam"

"Liar, you didn't even bother calling me"

"You know when I heard your voice, I miss you more. So I thought I should wait till you come"

"Where are Akash and Payal? I haven't seen them"

"They went for a holiday"

Anjali knew Shyam knows about Payal's pregnancy. One of their guests must have mentioned that to him or else he wouldn't be asking about Akash and Payal like this. On the other hand, Shyam felt a little suspicious that his wife who used to share everything with him didn't tell him about Payal's pregnancy.

"Since you asked about Akash and Payal. I have some news but I want you to wait and hear it from them. They will be back next week"

"What news?"

"Good news, a piece of news that will make you so happy. But since it's not my news you will have to wait"

Anjali did not want to share the news because if she shared, then she will have to celebrate with him. Right now, she does not want anything to do with him, and celebrating is the out of the equation. However, with this Shyam's suspicion cleared. He thought Anjali was being genuine.

Both Anjali and Shyam were having breakfast when Arnav came.

"Good Morning Di, morning Jiju"

"Morning Arnav, how are you?"

"I am fine Jiju, how are you? How was your convention?"

"It was great. I learned a number of new technologies which I can't wait to apply"

"I am glad you attended that Jiju, no one from our company managed to get an invitation"

Arnav knew the real reason for not getting an invitation. That is simply because there was no such convention. Shyam must have gone out to plan something new.

"In that case, I don't mind knowledge sharing with the AR group"

"That's brilliant Jiju, I will check our calendars and schedule something in soon. Di, I have to leave now so I will see you tonight"

"Arnav, what about Khushi? Aren't you going to drop her off? Mohan is also on leave today"

"Di, I have an important meeting I need to attend so I can't wait for her. Ask her to take a taxi or something"

Saying that Arnav left the house.

"Typical Arnav. Poor Khushi, she will have to take a taxi again"


"Yes Shyam, Arnav has been doing this for a few days now. Leaving her behind and the poor girl ends up getting a taxi each time"

"I thought he agreed on dropping her off and picking her up?"

"He did, but you know his mind. He has a mind of his own and no one knows what's going on inside that mind"

Shyam was a little happy knowing Arnav is keeping his distance from Khushi. Their initial closeness was making Shyam annoyed but looks like finally, his path is clearing.

Khushi came down with her backpack and greeted Anjali and then as usual ignored Shyam.

"Di, I am leaving. Have you seen Arnav?"

"I am sorry Khushi, but he left"


"Yes, I know how annoying that is"

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