8 | Piece Of A Queen |

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I squeezed Gio's hand harder as I fell deeper into the darkness. When I finally splashed onto the velvety floor, Gio pulled me up to stand.

"You okay?" His voice was edged with concern.


Faint light drifted through three oval frames in front of us. Our gazes met on different pieces of shiny, broken surfaces of each mirror.

I finally let go of Gio's hand to wipe my palm on my wet dress and smiled—he'd already dried me from head to toe.

"Pick one," he said, raising his chin toward the mirrors.

My brow arched in question.

"We will visit them all. It doesn't matter which one you pick first."

I sighed and pointed at the one on the left.

Gio nodded. "Call my name three times when you're there. I can't travel across dimensions unless you summon me."

I stepped forward to stand in the haze around my choice. My reflection was significantly slow at mimicking my movements.

The girl behind the glass surface finally dragged her gaze from the antique frame surrounding her and stared into my eyes. I straightened my posture, clenched my fists, and nodded to encourage myself. She held her chin up and nodded royally.

My hand reached forward to touch the mirror. Her hand reached out to grab mine. And when we finally touched, the surface rippled. Alaia smiled and pulled me in. I shut my eyes and braced myself to hit the hard surface, bump our heads, or tumble down, even... But instead, I walked in effortlessly as if passing through a shimmering waterfall.

When I opened my eyes, I was perched on a console table. I dangled down my feet then jumped to the floor. The corridor I stood in reminded me of the hall that led to our bedrooms.

It would be an easy mistake to confuse this castle with ours. The similarities were there, but here, the stone walls were shinier as if they were newly built. The wooden floors were glossier, and instead of boring still-life paintings, purple banners, and carpets decorated the walls.

I hurried to face the mirror. "Gi—"

"Your royal highness!"

A female voice made me shut my lips. I turned around—a redhead was coming my way.

She could as well be playing a maid in a period drama in her plain gray dress and white apron. Her beady eyes had a warm glow, and her lips were pursed with concern just like Lucy every time she saw me.

I ran my sweaty hands on my bumpy new pocket to make myself somewhat presentable. The acoustics carried the noises of a crowd downstairs.

The redhead quickened her steps and curtsied in front of me.

"Who? Me?" I pointed at myself with widened eyes.

She curtsied again. "I beg your pardon, your majesty. Lady Casterly mentioned you'd be visiting the citadel in the morning. We weren't expecting to—"

A bout of laughter escaped my lips. I covered my mouth to keep it in.

Her freckles turned crimson as she curtsied again.

What was I supposed to do? I curtsied back.

She kneeled lower. I couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing.

This was crazier than my wildest dreams! She called me her royal highness! I was their queen! Me! Not my mom!

"Your royal highness, I didn't mean to—"

I tried to control and choke my laughter with a couple of snorts as I waved at the poor girl. If all the reflection worlds were like this one, I wouldn't mind staying here forever! But then my heart sizzled. Who would want to live forever with a broken heart?

"I'm sorry. You didn't disrespect me," I said, clasping onto the console table to find my balance. "It's just L-lord and Lady C-aster-ly...." I bent in two to drown my laughter this time. Lords and ladies! Where was I? Or more importantly, when was I?

"Are you feeling light-headed, your majesty? Do you need to lie down for a while?" The girl took my hand and led me into where Mom's bedroom was supposed to be.

My heart sizzled again at the unexpected sympathy while Freckles settled me onto a giant four-post bed.

It wasn't Mom's bed, or her bedroom, because everything in here was antique—or it would be if everything didn't look so new.

"Umm... Where is Mom?" I asked the maid as she stuffed a couple of pillows behind me.

Her brows arched with concern. "She hasn't visited the kingdom for years, your majesty." She placed the back of her warm hand on my forehead, and checked my eyes.

"I'm okay," I assured her with a smile. Only then she kneeled again and hurried toward a giant closet with intricate engravings.

I leaned against the puffy pillows and let my curious eyes wander around. This room was perfect for a queen with heavy purple curtains hanging over arched windows, a crystal chandelier, and satin-gold beddings.

All the glam suddenly left me feeling very conscious of myself. My hair, the flip-flops, my wiggling toes, my dress... I could almost hear my mom's voice whisper; You are not fit to be a queen.

I slouched at the thought as the girl returned with a corset, a long petticoat, and a gold velvet dress with tiny red roses.

"M'lady, it's not my place, but it is very unlikely of you to return from the citadel in this...undergarment," commented the maid. "And you asked about your mother. I'm just worried—"

I sighed. I was worried too. I had no clue what was going on here. I had to go back to the mirror, call Gio's name and concentrate on the pieces I'd lost.

The girl mistook my sigh as a cue to be quiet, crossed her hands in front of her, and stepped back.

I shook my head and averted my eyes. Who was I kidding? I could never be a queen, let alone a heartless one. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about." My face was on fire. I must have been as red as my dress right now. "I'm not your que—"

"Perhaps a little pampering is what you need, your majesty. Would you like to try on your new dress?" was all she had to say for me to swallow my words and start smiling.

She didn't only help me wear the corset and the dress; she sat me in front of the makeup table and combed my hair. I couldn't remember the last time anyone took care of me so gently, as if I was worth their while. Back in my world, I'd go to the hairdresser occasionally. But the way they pulled and brushed my hair was nothing like the feathery hands that curled my caramel strands and took their time to gather them into a high bun.

The final outcome looked a lot like a royal bird's nest, but I couldn't care less. My eyes filled with tears as I smiled back at my reflection and thanked the maid.

"Your guests will be at the dining hall for lunch when you're ready." She stepped back and left the room.

After a few chuckles and gulping away the tears, I sighed and looked around. It was time for me to be back on the mission.

Now, where would I be if I were a piece of a broken heart?

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