19 | The Other Side |

19 7 42

Mom's shopping bags fell onto the floor as she asked, "What are you doing in my bedroom?"

Her eyes slipped from the contract to the mirror resting against the makeup table's feet.

"Why is my mirror on the floor?" Her cold tone froze me.

I couldn't dare to breathe as she walked over and snatched the scroll out of my hands.

Only then, when the warmth of the tingly paper left my touch, I managed to gather my thoughts and saw my reflection in Mom's dark eyes. The silhouette of the young woman in her pupils stood stronger than ever.

"I know about the magic mirror and your contract with Gio," I confessed.

Mom shook her head and rolled the paper open. Her eyes glided across the words and then the signatures.

"You stupid girl," she snarled through her clenched teeth. "What have you done?"

"I saved my friend from living in—"

"You ruined everything!" she barked, her cheeks flaring with heat rashes. "He is not your friend! He is my djinn! MINE!"

Her outbreak would make me apologize and run back to my room—but not today. Not anymore. "It's over, Mom."

I reached for the contract, but she squeezed it and stepped back.

"Nothing's over!"

"What's going on here?" Dad's voice came through the door. One look at Mom's twisted lips was all it took for Dad to push back his round glasses and crane his neck like a hawk. "Alaia, go to your room."

"No!" I leaped forward to seize the contract, but Mom hid it behind her and grabbed my shoulder, holding me at arm's length.

"Alaia!" Dad warned.

I ducked my head to free myself from Mom's monstrous grasp and tried to reach behind her. Mom pushed me away, and suddenly—something hot flashed across my cheek. The world became a blur as I flung to a side.

I gasped and held my face as my eyes met Mom's wild ones. Her slap still burned my skin.

Dad ran to shield me behind him. "That's the last draw, Miranda. How dare you?"

"How dare you?" she thundered and poked his chest. "Mind your own business, David, like you always have! Where is your maid, huh? Why don't you ask her to dust your office?"

"Alaia, to your room—"

"No! Not until I get that scroll." I tried to push past Dad, but he kept towering between us.

"Lucy!" Mom screamed. "Lucy! My bedroom needs dusting!"

"Stop, Miranda!" Dad tried to cover her mouth but Mom bit his fingers.

"Why—I'm just getting started! That bitch is going to come here on my command, like the dog she is!" she growled, pushing and kicking, throwing scratches, shaking her head—all the while clasping onto the contract.

This was crazy! Crazier than all of the mirror worlds!

"LUCY! I need you to change my bedsheets!"

"Miranda!" Dad roared, shaking her shoulders. "This is between you and me!"

"Oh, it stopped being between us the day she was born!" Mom hollered, pointing at me with her red, sharp nails.

"Alaia, go!"

"No!" Not this time! No more hiding. I was standing right here. And the good thing was that I didn't have to face this all alone, not anymore.

I ran to the mirror, held its frame, and screamed. "Gio, Gio, Gio!"

The surface rippled, and Gio's face emerged out with the brightest smile. "Took you long enough."

Footsteps came from the doorway.

Knock, knock, knock. "Ma'am, did you ask for me?"

Everyone's heads turned to stare at Lucy as her eyes wandered around the bedroom and widened at every pit stop: Mom and Dad, standing by the bed, pulling and pushing each other... Me, clasping onto the golden mirror for dear life... And finally, Gio's beaming face peering out of the glass surface.

Lucy's jaw dropped as Gio stepped inside and wrapped a hand around my waist.

"Hi there," he greeted everyone with a quirky wave, "I'm Gio."

Lucy gasped. Her freckles turned white as she dragged her gaze back to Dad and then, with a thud, collapsed onto the floor.

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