22 | Through His Eyes |

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Gio followed me down the stairs, into the living room, and out on the footpath that led us to the swinging chair in our garden.

The full moon shone through a golden haze in the clear, starry sky. There was something magical about tonight—or it could be the glow in Gio's silver eyes.

I handed him the scroll as he sat beside me. "Says here that we'll be friends forever, Gio. This is my handwriting, my signature, and probably my blood." I eyed the small hole on my fingertip. "But I don't remember signing this."

He sighed as a subtle buzz filled the air. Could it be the paper?

"This is pure magic, you know." Gio's hold around the scroll tightened.

I reached for his hand to make him focus. "What happened today? When did we sign this?"

"I can't explain, Alaia. You wouldn't believe me if I did." He sighed again, chewing his swollen lips. Then he raised his head and looked into my eyes. "But I can show you, if you let me."

The warmth of his words shimmered on my skin. I liked his half, hopeful smile. When I nodded, he slowly leaned in.

"Dude, you're not going to kiss me, are you?" I backed away with widened eyes.

He chuckled and shook his head. "No. I would, though, if you want me to."

I blushed. My heart would let this total stranger kiss me if my foggy mind allowed it.

"You are weird." I smiled. "I like you."

"Thanks, I lo—like you too."

My smile grew. "Okay, show me."

This time, I didn't move away when he scooted closer.

Gio placed one end of the scroll against my chest and the other against his. The paper buzzed between our hearts and made me giggle.

"Close your eyes," he instructed, swiping his thumbs across my eyelids.

And then, with a buzz and a flash, images started flooding my mind.

"Gio, Gio, Gio." A girl's sweet whisper calls my name. The trees in the forest buzz with electric. This must be someone new.

A girl in a red summer dress is shivering in the dark in front of three broken mirrors. Ah, she must have had a broken heart when she broke her magic mirror. I recognize the golden frames. Miranda's girl... What's her name? Alaia? I can't leave her here with the wolf. I pull her in.

She surfaces on the water and hides her hands behind her back. She is cute. I've seen many wonders, elves, pixies, and princesses... but she is something else. The dark stains around her eyes make her look like an angry panda. I tilt my head; she mimics my movement. Scratch cute, she is beautiful.

Her dark eyes nearly pop out of their sockets when she reads the words on the contract: 'Will you marry me?' I can't help but buzz as I wait. If I had a heart, it would throb against my ribs right now. She gives me a blank stare. Uh-oh... The contract slams against my face. Okay, maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

So, Alaia was a queen in her previous life. She has the soul for it—determined and just. She takes my breath away in her red-golden dress and bird-nest hair. I want to catch a couple of doves and place them on her head. Would she freak out?

I spin her around the dance floor and pull her into my arms. Her jaw falls open. Her hold tightens around my shoulders. She looks at me like she never has before. I swear, I see an entire universe in those deep, dark eyes—one that I want to lose myself and live forever.

Something heavy covers my insides and drowns my buzz—something sticky and gooey... But I don't care as long as Alaia is near. The subtle forest wind brushes the strands of her hair as she closes her eyes and sways to the rhythm of the violins from earlier. Her face is inches away. I raise her chin, ready to press my lips against hers on her command. "Are you sure you don't want to sign the contract right now?"

I can't believe she lost the scroll. She is selfish, irresponsible, rude, and has the most beautiful smile and the warmest tingling in her laughter... Holy buzz. I fell for her, haven't I? First things first. I need to get inside this dead mirror and find that contract before it drowns me from the inside out.

The wolf? She made friends with the fricking wolf? Wait, are those tears? Has she been crying? The second mirror is now dark, and the third one is put together—cracked but not broken. She rests her hands on my chest and looks into my eyes. Can she feel the buzz in my soul? I can't help but smile. She wants to talk. I wonder what she bumped into in the second reflection world.

Okay, so she knows about her mom now. I tell her my side of the story as she sits in her petticoat and plays with the edges of her skirt. I wonder what she thinks as she gazes at the river.

She wants to earn my trust. I nod. She takes the scroll, pulls the petticoat off her chest, and stuffs it—no! Don't do this to me! The contract rubs against her skin. Goosebumps spread all over me. My face is on fire. I lose my breath for a brief second as she pushes the paper deeper into her cleavage. Thunderbolts flash in my soul and lighten up the sky. Her warmth covers me, squishing my heated cheeks between two soft pillows. This is torture! I pull my shirt to cover my pants and shuffle my hair. Thank goodness she doesn't notice my excitement and gives me that innocent smile of hers.

Alaia leans forward and tastes the tomato sauce. A smile creeps up her lips as she looks into my eyes. She is adorable when she is hungry.

She won't sign the contract, I know. But I can't make her love me, can I? I'm glad she likes the food—it's her second plate. Would she change her mind if I cooked for her every day? Probably not.

I hope she visits me from time to time.

I kick my feet on the grass and swing us back and forth. Her head fits perfectly onto my chest. Her damp, caramel hair spreads across my t-shirt. I rub her arm. She has goosebumps. Is she cold? Her warm breath tickles my chin. "What are you doing?"

Without a warning, she presses her lips against mine. And I immediately know that this won't be our last kiss. She stole a piece of me and gave me hers in return.

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