23 | My Forever Companion |

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I gasped and backed away as Gio's memories burned into my head. I couldn't dare open my eyes. My heart thumped in my chest. My hands were sweating so much.

"I can't give back your memories, but I can share mine with you," he said softly.

I nodded and straightened up. It was weird to see myself through someone else's eyes. His memories didn't exactly fill the gap in my mind, but they fit perfectly within my soul.

"Th-thank you," I stuttered when I felt his hand on top of mine.

Gio sat at the edge of his seat and squeezed my fingers as his worried gaze travelled across my flustered face.

Honestly, I didn't know what to think. This was crazy! But then our eyes met, and seeing my reflection in those wide pupils made me feel like I was the center of his silver universe.

I couldn't deny it, Gio had a piece of me—my trust—and that piece was the core of my existence.

I smiled. "What do we do now?"

He let out a relieved sigh and kicked his feet to swing our chair. "Find your dad?"

I nodded, twining my fingers around his. "And later?"

"Umm... It's still your birthday. Do you want to celebrate? I'd love to take you out on a human date."

I bit my smile and nodded again.

"We can wait for a day or two if you think it's too soon—to date, I mean," he added cautiously.

I cleared my throat. "And what do we do on the date?"

"Whatever you want, I guess." He shuffled his hair. 

I sighed. Didn't he get the clue?

He patted his head in desperation and looked into my eyes. I smiled and pulled his hand. His wide smile revealed a cute gap between his front teeth.

"Yeah, we kiss." He chuckled, and dropped his lips on top of mine.

I couldn't stop giggling as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

It was funny how I knew what my lips tasted like, since the memory of our first kiss belonged to Gio. But my lips remembered how soft his lips were, and the taste of mint and tomatoes that lingered after.

The fresh smell of pines and warm wind tickled our senses. Something buzzed in our chests. Could it be magic? Or our quivering hearts?

As Gio scooped me up to sit on his lap, I realized his arms were exactly where I wanted to be on my eighteenth birthday. I didn't need a party, a cake or miraculous wishes. With my heart melting into our magical kiss, I was ready to conquer the world with my forever companion.

The End

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