Chapter Five

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When I woke up, the sun was high in the sky, making me jump up with adrenaline. I didn't mean to stay out so late. Dick started getting up as I wiped grass off of me.

"I'm in so much trouble because of you."

"Didn't seem like you cared much yesterday." Dick replied amusedly.

"That was because you made me fe--nevermind. I just need to get home."

"Then I'll walk you home."

"Suit yourself." I smirk, shrugging my shoulders as I descend back down the hill.

When Georgina's house came into view from down the street, I noticed a police car was parked in the driveway, the lights turned on but not the sound of the siren.

I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering what was going on, and without looking at Dick, I plunged forward, as fast as my feet could take me. I slowed as Georgina talked to the officer on the porch, tears in her eyes. "Georgina? What happe-" I ask as I run up the few steps, but she gasped as she saw me and wrapped her arms around me, squeezing me slightly. "Oh my, I'm so glad you're safe!" She says as she pulls away from me and cupped my face, examining it. "Georgina, I'm fine-"

"Perhaps this is the missing one?" The officer says as he raises an eyebrow. "Oh my, oh my, yes. Yes this is her, officer. I'm so grateful she's back though-" Georgina fronts, locking our arms. I interrupted her sentence as I arched a brow, "Why are you talking like that?" She squeezed my arm tightly as her reply, still keeping her eyes on the officer and still holding up that fake smile. "She's one runaway, I'll tell you that, officer. Oh, God bless her brave little soul. I've told her how dangerous the world is, especially in Gotham-"

"You never talk to me unless you're yelling at me! Stop lying to him!" I looked over to the officer, "Officer, do not believe a word she's told you. They're all lies-"

"No she isn't. Especially not the runaway part." Liz says as she walks onto the porch.

"I'm not a runaway!"

"Hmph." She scoffs, "Says the girl who ran away from home twice in a week."

"This isn't my home." I mutter lowly. The officer gave a look of suspicion, so before I could, Georgina began to explain, "Her father is on a business to so he left her with us until he gets back. We're cousins officer." He raised his chin, along with his eyebrows, as he rolled on his heels, then looked to the side with suspicion again. "And who's that?"

We looked over to the side and I forgot Dick was still here. I didn't want him to get in trouble, so before he could answer, I did it for him, "That's Richard. He saw me walking home today, so he started walking with me."

Dick sent a slightly confused look that only I seemed to notice. The officer put his small journal back in his shirt pocket and let out a breath, "I believe everything is settled here, but since you were out pass your curfew,"

"Way pass her curfew-" Liz says in between the officers sentence then he continued, "Your punishment will be determined by your temporary legal guardian. And if you're found out pass curfew again, it won't be up to her." The officer walked down the steps and off of the porch, going towards his car. "Got it?"

I didn't say anything but just nodded. Georgina gripped my arm as the police car zoomed off and I looked at Dick. "Get your ass in the damn house." Georgina whispered angrily in my ear, pulling me harshly into the doorway. I simply waved goodbye with my hand as I was shoved into the house, and of course Liz stayed outside, most likely trying to talk to Dick again.

I sat on the couch as Georgina lectured me again. "You're such an embarrassment, Bianca! Why can't you be more like Liz?!"

"Why can't you get the fuck out of my face?!" I yell back, eyes widening after noticing what just came out of my mouth. I mean, I was thinking those exact words, but I didn't know they were going to come out aloud. I saw Georgina's eyes blaze with rage as her hand raised then swung, leaving a burning sensation on the side of my face and it spread all the way down my neck.

"How dare you speak to me like that? Who the hell do you think you are?"

I took deep breaths, taking my hand from my face to ball them up tightly. "You're going to learn who's house this is and you're going to respect me-"

"You're not my mother-"

"Yeah because your mother is dead and that's all she is."

I felt the hot tears burning my eyes and my nails digging too deep into my palms so I got up from the couch and ran upstairs. Slamming my door shut with all my force and as loud as I could possibly get it to be, I locked it and ran to the board on one of my windows. I threw my fists as punched the wood as hard as I could.

I kept going until my knuckles were bruised and a little bloody. I leaned against my bed as I sat on the floor, brushing my hair from my wet face, wiping my tears. I started taking deep breaths again, then started my stretches. If I couldn't go to the gymnasium, then I could at least make something out of the dump I call my room.

After my stretches, I flip over to the bed, stopping in a handstand until I fell from an unbalanced surface; the mattress. I fell and hit my back hard as I fell off of the bed and onto the wood floor. Pain...just what I needed. (That was sarcasm if you didn't notice.)

I looked at my knuckles again, not putting in any effort to get off of the floor. What the hell am I doing? I finally got up when I heard my phone vibrate against the nightstand next to my bed. I got a text from Dick and sighed, telling him everything that happened.

Dick: aw, that's not alrite

Me: ikr, I started punching the boards in my room😤

Dick: lmao...not funny😏, but good way of blowing off steam nd getting rid of those boards

Me: lol yeah

Dick: Wen r u going to go back to the cliff?

Me: Idk, HOPEFULLY sometime soon if I ever get out of this hell hole again

Dick: I could help with that😏

Me: You got me in trouble...

Dick: I could've had you back by your curfew if I wanted to

I caught myself smiling at our conversation, happy to know he would be able to keep me sane...for now.

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