Chapter Two

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My routine became the same and Lizette and I agreed we weren't related at school, for the sake of her reputation and for the sake of my sanity.

Going to my locker, I would wave at a couple new friends, give small smiles to people, and walk out of Lizette's and her friends' way. I approach my locker, where my friend, Aaliyah, waited for me. "Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask, raising my eyebrow as I saw her frozen smile and sparks in her eyes.

"Girl, do I have a story to tell you." She says happily, pulling me from my locker as I close it.

"Okay, what is it?" I smile as I catch my feet.

"Yesterday, I was walking home from my aunts house. It was dark, but it was only like a 10 minute walk back to my place," We turned out of the locker hall and down the main hallway, heading for the cafeteria, "Then some man grabbed me and other men surrounded me! But next thing I know, they're being beat to a pulp by Nightwing!!!"

I raised an eyebrow as we took a seat at one of the tables. "Who's Nightwing?"

"Who's Nightwing? He's only the most amazing hero in Gotham." Another voice said before Aaliyah could answer. I looked over and Dick sat down next to me. Aaliyah then added, "I thought that was Batman."

"Who's that?"

They both looked at me as if I was the most insane person they've ever met.

"How do you not know who they are?" Aaliyah practically yelled.

"New to Gotham, remember?"

Dick shook his head disappointedly. "Robin? Red Hood?...Batgirl? Red Robin?! Any of that ringing a bell?"

I shook my head, slightly dumbfounded.

"They protect Gotham. You've been here for an entire week now, and you still haven't seen one of them?" Aaliyah asked.

I shook my head again, "No, I haven't."

"Well you need to," A new voice said and one of Dick's friends sat next to Aaliyah, across from Dick. He had sharp green eyes and dark hair. "Definitely should see Red Hood. He looks badass."

Next thing I know, Dick's friends are at the table and here comes Lizette and hers. Great. The table began to get overcrowded as Lizette plopped down on Dick's lap, wrapping her arm around his shoulders and crossing her legs. She sent me a glare as she falsely smiled to fool Dick and his friends. I grabbed my bag, starting to stand. "I've gotta go to the library. Look up some stuff for social studies." I lied. I just needed to get out of there before I snapped Liz's neck. "Wait, you don't have to-" Dick started until Liz interrupted, "No, no. Let her go get her nerd work done. She'll be fine." I rolled my eyes, walking away fast. Aaliyah went to class instead and I was left alone in the library.

After school, I went back to the gym and started my stretches.

I decided to try something more challenging than the balance beam today: the double lay out bar. Powdering my hands up, I jump and grab hold of the bendy bar. Rocking my feet back and forth, I begin an old routine. "Two cycles, one twist, reverse, repeat" ran through my head as determination filled my body. I kept my legs straight and toes pointed as my body reached the top of the bar, flipping me over it and slowing down at the top, leaving me in a hand stand until gravity began its job again. My body swung back down and I counted. One cycle. I repeated and then counted two. Next comes the tricky part for someone as rusty as I am. I let my grip go briefly, twisting my wrists to grab the bar again, and my body followed the movement of my hands. Twist, check. Now reverse.

I swung my pointed feet and continued to swing until my hand slipped and then the rest of my body did. "Shit!" I curse as it happened, and I was expecting to break a bone when I fell, but instead, I landed. But not on the ground. I opened my eyes and I was in Dick's arms. "I thought I would find you here." He smirked and I rolled my eyes. "Your welcome." He says, still not putting me down. "I didn't need your help." I say and he shrugged his shoulders, "Suit yourself." His hands released me and I fell onto the ground again. He laughed as I got up.

"Will you ever stop stalking me?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow. "What? You're the one who keeps popping up everywhere I am!"

"I'm kidding Bi." He says with a smile, but I don't

"Come on." He says, putting his bag next to mine and taking off his jacket. He already had on sweats and a tight shirt that lightly outlined his toned stomach. I cross my arms, "You don't even know how to do gymnastics."

"Said who?" He asks, a smile planted on his face as he grabs one of the bars of the uneven ones. Rocking his body, he does a couple cycles before letting his hands go. He reached out and grabbed the higher bar, flipping off after one cycle and landing perfectly. My jaw nearly dropped to the ground. He smiled, walking over to me as if he didn't just do that.

"Now what were you saying?"

I rolled my eyes and backflipped onto the balance beam, letting my legs separate into a side split (Chinese split) perfectly.

"Anyone could do that." He says as if he wasn't impressed and I sent a glare. "I bet your little bitch of a girlfriend couldn't." I back bend off of the beam, placing my hands on the mat and letting my legs flip over onto my feet, showing off my flexibility.

"You mean Lizette? She's not my girlfriend."

My eyes widened. "What do you mean she's not? Yes she is." I protest and he furrowed his eyebrows while squinting his eyes, giving me a 'really?' look.

"How are you going to tell me?-"

"Because she says you're hers all the time at home-"

"You're her sister?" He asked and I closed my mouth quick.


"What do you mean what? You said at home. You two are related?" He asked, walking up to me and crossing his arms. Crap.

"You sound surprised." I say shyly, rubbing my arm and thinking he wouldn't have thought we were related because of Lizette's beauty compared to mine. With the hazel eyes and blond hair.

"I mean, I am. How she acts towards you." I look back at him, furrowing my eyebrows. "And you've seen how much of an asshole she is and you still like her! Ugh!" I say disgustedly, running to grab my bag but he grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him. "Did you ever hear me say that?!" I was silenced and he let my arm go. "Now," He took my bag away and threw it against the wall, "You're staying here and doing some gymnastics with me. Whether you like it or not because I did not come here to do some flips alone. Got it?"

I was shocked at his sudden scolding, but simply nodded. He started walking back to the equipment, a smirk tugging at his lips, "Alright. Then let's start."

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