Chapter Nine

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I've had this in my drafts for the longest but I never published because first, it wasn't completely finished and second, I was too busy reading other amazing fanfics. Sorry :)

I tied my laces and stood from the bed, taking a deep breath before walking out my room. I headed downstairs, skipping breakfast and going outside. "Bi!" I hear Dick call as I speed toward the front door. Damnit. I turned around to see him slowing his trot down to a walk as he approaches me. He smiled a little, "Good to see you outside your room voluntarily."

I didn't reply and tried to smile, but it didn't come quite the way I wanted it to. My eyes looked away from him and toward the ground.

"Where are you going?" He asks, pointing his thumb over his shoulder, "Aren't you going to eat breakfast?"

"Uh, no." I answer quietly, "I was just going to go for a run. That's all."

"Are you sure you want to go alone?" He asks kindly, "I know it's the morning, but Gotham can still be unpredictable."

"Yeah, I know." I answer, taking a tiny step back, "But I'll be fine."

He stared at me for a moment before sighing and nodding his head, placing his hands in his pockets, "Well, I'll save you a plate for when you get back?" I nodded and unlocked the front door, opening it to be greeted by a cold breeze.

"Wait," He says before I run out, and I turn and look back at him, "When are you supposed to be back?"

"Thirty minutes." I answer, leaving quickly after. I closed the door and ran down the many steps, starting my jog steadily. I could see my breath in the cold air, knowing Gotham had a freezing winter ready for us. I wasn't a big fan of the cold either.

Miami wasn't the coldest place in the world, ya' know.

One reason why I didn't want to move up here in the first place.

But no, my dad just had to go on that stupid business trip without trusting me to be alone.

It's not like I had that many friends, and I surely didn't have an eye on any boys. The jerks and assholes my dad just didn't understand I didn't have ANY interests in.

And I couldn't even stay with Aunt Sheridan, the only family member I really wanted to stay with. I don't understand why I couldn't just go out of town with her.

Or hell, matter of fact, I didn't understand why I couldn't go on the business trip with Dad. Staying in a five star hotel didn't sound half bad and if it was so easy enrolling me in GCH in Gotham, why couldn't he do the same thing in London?

But no, I had to be stuck with my cousins that hated me for a reason I didn't know and now I'll never know.

I will never know why they couldn't stand the sight of me so much because now they're gone. Forever. Just because I didn't listen to a simple rule.

Did Dad know? Was he contacted or does he still thinks that everything is fucking okay?! We didn't have that much family left, Georgina and Lizette's deaths were made very clear all of the news, he had to be contacted about it, right?!

I can't ever apologize or at least make things right with them for whatever I did. There had to be a reason for how they treated me, there had to be. I didn't understand.

And I never will.

My feet were running their fastest until I left my thoughts and joined reality again.

I stopped and placed my hands on my knees, my chest hurting like hell from the rapid breaths of cold air.

I don't know how far I ran, and I don't know how long I've been running. I wiped my face, realizing I'd been crying although I didn't feel it.

I really zone out when I'm deep in thought. I don't see anything, and I don't hear anything that's not in my thoughts when I'm thinking hard about something. Anything. That was going to be a habit extremely hard to break.

I turned and looked behind me, still catching my breath, to see I couldn't even see Wayne Manor anymore. And Wayne Manor is very big. Big enough to see from a far distance away...

I took another deep breath before starting my run back.

When I finally got there, I made my way back to my room to take a shower. Luckily, I didn't run into anyone on the way there. When I got out, I dried my hair with the blow dryer, making it a bit frizzy. I rolled my eyes and just put it up in a bun to spare my frustration. I put on jeans and a v-neck like usual: the jeans ripped and light blue and the shirt navy blue.

I placed my Bianca necklace on and headed down to the kitchen.

Just as Dick said, my plate was waiting in the microwave for me. I warmed it up again and placed it on the island. I grabbed a fork and rinsed it off before searching for the syrup.

There were so many cabinets in this goddamn kitchen.

"It's in the pantry."

I turned and looked at the door, seeing Jason walking in.

He smirked a little and opened a body length cabinet I hadn't gotten to yet, "The syrup, right?"

"Yeah," I say as he hands it to me, "Thanks."

He shrugged and went to the refrigerator, looking through it a bit.

"I didn't know you lived with Dick." I state, looking at his back. It had scars all over it, making me wonder how he got them. They looked painful. "Yeah. Both adopted by Bruce." He answers neutrally, closing the fridge as he takes out a Gatorade. He turned and looked at me, pointing a finger on the hand that held the Gatorade bottle, "And if you see Dick, tell him I have to talk to him."

"He left?" I ask as I pour the syrup over the pancakes, bacon, and eggs, "He was here earlier."

"Then I guess he did." He answers with a small sigh, "Anyway, if he comes back, tell him I need to talk to him. I've gotta go."

"Okay." I answer, and he leaves the kitchen.

I haven't seen Bruce, or Tim lately. I forgot the youngest one's name....Darrel? Started with D, I know that much, but I haven't seen him around either.

I sighed and picked at my food a little with the fork.

Dad, where are you?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2016 ⏰

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